Galaxy S2 has yellow patch :(

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So here's my brand new Galaxy S2, everything was good throughout the day, just now while browsing I reduced brightness to minimun only to realize that left part of the screen is not properly lit as the rest of the screen :@
Is anyone facing this issue? Is it covered under warranty?
You can claim Dead on Arrival can get a free replacement...

I did the same for my Nokia E72

Do it within 3 days of your Purchase
Just now checked against two S2`s of friends, their phones are good, they are of Korea source, mine is from china unit. But his S2 screen has started to develop scratches for which he's getting screen replaced under warranty. I'm going with him to show my phone. Let's see what happens.

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Went to the service center and also contacted the seller. He's saying, goto service center & seal it as DOA and send it back to him, then he'll send a replacement.

What if the replaced phone has same issue? I'm not sure what to do.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Got a new replacement today from a different batch and again the same issue :(

To hell with samsung for having no quality control over their flagship device. How many replacements should I make.

Finally after 6 display changes and 3 new replacement phones, the problem is fixed :)
>>Finally after 6 display changes and 3 new replacement phones,

WOW, that is a big q of change. wonder what quality check they are doing.
Even I was pissed off at their quality check for their flagship device, I wrote a mail to Samsung India service heads, gave them a piece of my mind and things started to work, it went on for 2 months before I was vexed off and settled for a phone which still had issues but barely visible.
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