Galaxy SL i9003 @ 15499

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Have you bought the galaxy sl from this seller? I am just placing an order right now.
Also, which of the dussehra gifts do you suggest me to opt for as I am planning to sell it on ebay.

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I have ordered one today, unfortunately the dussehra coupons did not work. :(

But the MasterCard one did, so i got it for 15490 :)

I wonder where is he getting the stuff from because in the market it is not available for less than 17000, anyways good for us :)
The dussehra gift worked for me...i opted for the panasonic cordless which is available for no less than 1500/- on ebay itself!
And the seller is gaining little profit per piece, but selling in huge volumes(sold 76 in 24 hrs!) assured of genuineness though, bcoz he gets the money only after delivery & after u have inspected the stuff
sagar_coolx said:
be assured of genuineness though, bcoz he gets the money only after delivery & after u have inspected the stuff

Dude this is not tru, seller who have more then20 selling history gets money once they enter the shipping details and this seller has done 2954 sales on ebay.
spec-wise, the original galaxy s seems to beat the sl. any good deals on the s?
There is no major difference between s and sl other than the AMOLED vs SCLCD and the 8gb vs 4gb
Not just the GPU, Galaxy SL has the TI OMAP Processor while the Galaxy S has the Hummingbird processor. Galaxy SL has similar hardware as Defy and Optimus Black. So Galaxy S is miles and miles better than Galaxy SL.

Samsung is misleading and most consumers get fooled by looking at the box. Samsung fails to mention that Galaxy SL is different. They are pricing it only few thousand bucks less than Galaxy S and fooling consumers into thinking that the only difference is the memory and screen. Box is very misleading.
You also lose out on the wolfson DAC afaik. Its worth spending the few k more and getting the S
bottle said:
You also lose out on the wolfson DAC afaik. Its worth spending the few k more and getting the S

True, Galaxy S has Dolby Digital Surround sound while Galaxy SL does not. That is also one of the major advantages of Galaxy S.
All phones have been sold of this buyer :huh:

"This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available"
^ Probably you would need to install the voodoo sound mod which isn't supported on the SL afaik. Which IEM did you use ?
haris5sani said:
All phones have been sold of this buyer :huh:

"This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available"

The seller had 75 phones and mine was the 74th order :hap2: It has been shipped today, hoping to receive it by tomorrow.
bottle said:
^ Probably you would need to install the voodoo sound mod which isn't supported on the SL afaik. Which IEM did you use ?

I use the Sound magic pl30 gives pretty decent sound.

True, Galaxy S has Dolby Digital Surround sound while Galaxy SL does not. That is also one of the major advantages of Galaxy S.

Even the SL has Dolby Digital Surround,the difference is the screen ,TV-out,On board memory,gpu and chipset.
^^ You are right. Galaxy SL does have the Dolby Digital 5.1. I apologize for misinformation about SL not having Dolby Digital 5.1 :ashamed:
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