Gamasutra's 2007 Gaming Resolutions
The "Question Of The Week" feature, a specific industry-related question to be answered by professional game developers reading this site,this time asked for readers' opinions on what the game industry's New Year's Resolutions should be.
Thus, the question for this week was :
"If there was one change you'd like to see the video game industry effect in 2007, what would it be?"
Answers were invited to involve working conditions, different business models, legislation-related changes, image shifts, or even game trends. We now present to you your diverse set of ideas for the game biz to consider in 2007: - Question of the Week: 2007 New Year's Resolutions For The Games Industry
The "Question Of The Week" feature, a specific industry-related question to be answered by professional game developers reading this site,this time asked for readers' opinions on what the game industry's New Year's Resolutions should be.
Thus, the question for this week was :
"If there was one change you'd like to see the video game industry effect in 2007, what would it be?"
Answers were invited to involve working conditions, different business models, legislation-related changes, image shifts, or even game trends. We now present to you your diverse set of ideas for the game biz to consider in 2007:
- I'd like to see less companies using draconian anti-piracy measures.
- Arguing about which next-gen system is the best is as silly as arguing about which five-star restaurant has the finest china and silverware.
- capture more professional management, business, and marketing graduates coming through from business and marketing undergrad and master degree programs.
- The most beneficial change the game industry could undergo: major publishers realize the economic advantages of carefully managed, revolutionary innovation in interactivity
- Bring audio into the creative process at a much, much earlier stage.
- I think even my bugbears about licensing and sequels vs. original IP could be addressed if this one resolution is adopted: "Have some faith in your players."
- decouple the financing from the publishing of the game.
- We must find as much passion for business as we do for creativity.
- The concept that business and games must be combined needs to become integrated enough to filter down to the startups though industry articles, schools and the lore that established developers bring to people just beginning in the industry. - Question of the Week: 2007 New Year's Resolutions For The Games Industry