Game library in bangalore?

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better ask some member from delhi to buy it mail you.. Cheapest and best way to have a collection.. You can get new games from 50 bucks starting :P
Looking like National Market is the best bet-I can get original frm British lib for free since I have a membership but whats the use if its games like midtown madness, motocross........
no idea bout game library.

but i can help u to download games..
I'm also in bangalore. near madivala... Bommanahalli
i have got an 1 mb connection.. i donwloaded wat i needed as of now. can help u to downlaod i f u need of something...
^thx a lot buddy.:hap2:
I need only 2-3 specific games tht I am not able to find in stores and with friends. Pmed u.
i think you can better download the games because 100% no errors will occur like CRC and all but it takes time :P..... you have to wait :)
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