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Publisher: Sony Computer

Developer: Insomniac Games

Genre: Shooter

ESRB: Not Yet Rated


Multiplayer: Online

Release: November 17 2006

The title is being developed exclusively for the PlayStation 3 by Insomniac (makers of the less-violent, but critically-acclaimed Ratchet & Clank series), and should be a launch title for the console. The game follows an interesting alternate-history storyline where a hostile alien species has overrun Great Britain in 1951, which results in a unique blurring of the visual aesthetics of two popular FPS genres (sci-fi and WWII-era).

The storyline is a bit complex, but to kick things off the game is looking very promising. The environments shown were very bright and the lighting was incredibly spot-on throughout both of the demos. Everything within the level can be shot at and destroyed while portraying the result in how it would stand up in real-life. For example, if the gamer shot at a window with his or her gun in real-life, the window would not break but only in those certain areas until you hit the pressure point. The same goes for the game; one shot at a window isn?t going to take the window completely out. And if you do shoot through a bunch of rounds, there will still be some residuals left over. Shooting at a piece of metal isn?t going to do a great deal of damage if you hit it once, but if you turn around and hit a wooden object - it?s totally different.

Weaponry used by your character is very unique and fun. Insomniac has already created these radical weapons that resulted in having many options the player can use in different situations. One of my favorite weapons in the game is the ?hedgehog? weapon or in other words a bomb that blows up and spikes come flying out to hit your enemies. This type of weapon is very handy in situations when creatures are in a big group spread out over walls or in one large area. Instead of doing the two-weapon load-out, a weapon bag will store all kinds of weapons you've collected throughout the game.

Motion sensitive integration is also going to be added to vehicles so when you tilt the controller left or right, the player will be able to steer the vehicle. They didn?t go into too much detail regarding the vehicles, but it doesn?t sound like there will be a lot of vehicle interaction in the game besides a few sections.

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