Gamerzone | DEAD CUP | L4D2 Tournament India, Registrations Open

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Alright L4D2 fans, it's time to have a tournament! First off, this is ^naapa and I'm the new Tournament Manager. I'll be running the show this time around with help from few friends from the community . It's my first Online tournament so bare with me. That said, registration is now open for our first Left 4 Dead 2 Gamerzone | DEAD CUP | ONLINE Tournament Season 1. The Tournament is free to participate in. The tournament will be a lot more spread out this time around. We will be playing two match's per night with extra spectator slots etc, Here the 911 about the upcomng Gamerzone | DEAD CUP | ONLINE Tournament Season 1


::Eligibility for DEAD CUP Season 1 Online Tournament::

1) All participents are required to register in gamerzone forum (

2) All participents are required to register in gamerzone club (

Step 1 : Make your Clan Group at GZ club

Step 2 : Ask your Clan Members to Register at GZ Club and add your created clan group to their profiles

Step 3 : Captain of the clan needs to send an email to to notify the staff for verification

3) Visit forum registration thread and fill in the details (

4) After the above steps are followed please wait we will contact you.

::Team Rules/Requirements::

1) Teams must have four(4) human players.

2) Each team must have a team name.

3) Each team member must have a good internet connection. Ethernet cable is recommended.

4) We also accept 1-3 player registration. You will be paired up with any other 1-3 player

registrants. So no complaining about your assigned Team.

::Term & Conditions::

* Each team will submit their team members' Steam Name while registering

* All matches will be played on Gamerzone servers.

* Matches will be after 8PM teams can adjust there times if both sides agree. The match should be started between 8pm to 10.30pm. Failure to do so will get the responsible team a loss.

* Matches will be running on cevo modded servers meaning 1 medkit per stage all medkits will be converted into pills,no grenade launchers,no special ammo,no chain saw.

* Registered team are allowed to use the gamerzone servers whenever before the tournament to get used to CEVO MOD.

* Servers are most likely o have extra 6 or 8 slots for spectating the match.Meaning you can watch your friends matches with out disturbing them.

* Each team captain will confront the other team captains before the tourney starts.

* When it's time for your match, the team captain of the team will create a Versus Lobby, make it Friends-Only. Campaign will be admins choosing.

* All the team members of each team will join this Lobby.

* An admin will decide which team chooses the side they are on first.

* Once everyone has agreed to start, the lobby leader starts the match.

* Once the you enter the match, you will be frozen until both sides types !ready

* Each team can have one substitute per game.

* Once match is live after both teams ready up,there will be no restarts or leaving the game.

* Each team has 2 pause usages(!pause), you can do this when a player disconnects or you sub.

* At the end of the match, each team captain will send the final score of the match to the admin with their team name and round number as the subject.

* Teams are encouraged to video tape their matches or take pictures of the score screens.

* If the two team captains' results do not match, they will be asked to provide this proof.

* If no conclusion can be drawn from the evidence, both teams will be disqualified.

* Results will be posted on the forum after each match.

DEAD CUP Season 1 Tournament System


The above image is a example chart for a 8 clan/group tournament, hope all gets the idea

All start of on the winners section.

The losing team of each match goes to the losers section.

Winning team keeps moving forward in the chart.

The losers section teams plays with the losers section teams to get back to the winner section.

Basically every team gets 2 chances to play.

You are out if you loose both matches. (2 losses and knock out)

::In-Game Rules::

* No exploits

* No Trash-Talking in the lobby. Be good sports.

* Instant kill spots ARE allowed

* The match will not be restarted for any reason

o If your keyboard/mouse dies, deal with it.

o If you get disconnected, your teams have !pause option! if they fail to use it.Deal with it. You can rejoin ASAP.

* No casting votes. There will be no need to return to the lobby once a match has started and there will be no need to kick your teammates.

* If any team member is more than 10 minutes late, start without him/her. He/she can join when they can.

* If an entire team is more than 10 minutes late, they lose that match.

* Absolutely only 1 Substitute during the tournament. If you have a person who can't play, you have to play with a BOT or accept a loss.

::Registration for DEAD CUP Season 1 Online Tournament::

1) All participents are required to register in gamerzone forum (

2) All participents are required to register in gamerzone club (

Step 1 : Make your Clan Group at GZ club

Step 2 : Ask your Clan Members to Register at GZ Club and add your created clan group to their profiles

Step 3 : Captain of the clan needs to send an email to to notify the staff for verification

3) Visit forum registration thread and fill in the details (

4) After the above steps are followed please wait we will contact you.

a) Team Registration Format:

* GZ Club Team Group Link :

* Team Name:

* Nicknames of each member:

* Captain name:

* Captain's Email and steam id:

* Team Tag :

* Any scheduling conflicts in February and the beginning of March in case it goes that long. Once the schedule is made, it's final.

B) Individual/Incomplete Clan Registration Format:

*Your Name:

*GZ CLUB name:

*Your steam id and email:

(any extra info is good)

::Terms For Individual/Incomplete Clan Registration::

* Register with all your info above.

* We'll form teams based on first-come-first-serve. That means the first 4 individuals to register will be put on a team, etc...

* You can register a team of 2 or 3 as well and we'll fill your team with other players that register.

* As soon as your team is formed, we'll contact you and all your teammates' info so you can practice before the tournament if you want.

o Most likely, the last players to register on the team will be the ones who have to sub out, so register ASAP!

* If you want to be on the same team as a friend, register both people in the same post as a 2-person registration.

* You MUST be nice to your teammates at all times.

* You may not kick your teammates during a match.

* You may not complain about what teammates you get.

Prize ::: 16000rupees (sixteen thousand rupess) ,Left4dead2 T-Shirts and Servers

All Rules Are Subject To Change At Any Time.

Hope to see all you Indian L4D2 fans signed up!
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