gaming anf video conference on triband now

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chk this out

Video Conferencing
Video Conferencing

those who have registered for theese services pls provide us with info on how good these services are.

also the video conferencing service is offering 15 days trial while the game service offers 4 days trial :) ... so everyone should try it..
i`ll try it once my presentations get over on friday :D
though..i am not a MTNL..triband user..i ve got some new..for other.MTNL.triband users..
Unlimited access to world class computer games at monthly subscriptions .0f -

1>RS. 300 for premium pack :pack of high end super premium games
2>RS. 150 for casual pack :pack of suitable games for kids !
no download charges for games .

sign up for free 4 daystrial offer on :
for login use your exisiting tribamd user name (u r MTNL landline )
and your password and u are ready to play !!

for more details call on :1504 or 1500 (toll -free)

or visit :

hope u liked ..this piece of info...u must have read it elsewhere..but still if u liked the post..dont forget to add to my reputation ..

not to discourage you from posting authentic (or otherwise;) ) news / info but ......

Already posted by chic_magnet yesterday.
infact he made me subscribe to it just to check out the d/l speeds !!!!! (which were > 512kb/sec btw)

We are getting a new breed of reputation beggars it seems. remember you dont "ask" for reps here.
if you do that the mods will routinely "reset" ur accumulated reps on a fortnightly basis.
I read the whole thing but didn't quite get it ,...... will I be getting 512kbps even for my torrent downloads?
nahin.. as far as the gaming service goes.. 512 kbps speed is only for the gaming service... and when your using it .. you wont be charged for it (that is the mbs from your normal triband account wont be deducted) but your mbs would be counted for surfing that same site.. lol..

anyways i think 512kbps is quite less.. esp if they intend to add new games to the list.. plus a couple of friends also reported gettign high speeds.. 10-15MB per minute initially and then it slows down to 512kbps in around 5-10 mins...


dunno abt the video conferencing though.. has anyone tried it?
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