21-30k Gaming cafe budget PC

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# Q: What is your budget?

1. 35k including LCD (22/21.5")

# Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)


# Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)


# Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

1. CPU - AMD FX 4100/6100
2. Motherboard - any compatible motherboard (but should be inexpensive as I want to invest more on GPU)

3. GPU - radeon 7770/GTX550Ti


# Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component


# Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)

I am a dealer :)

# Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

# Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware

Gaming 12*5 and 24*2 (CS, DOTA, MW2, AOE, etc)

# Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

1. Do not want to buy Asus products at all the after sales service of Rashi is pathetic

# Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

(CS, DOTA, MW2, AOE, etc) online games

# Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

1. Gaming - 1280x728
2. Desktop - 1440x900/1080p if budget allows

# Q: Are you looking to overclock?


# Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?


Hi All,

I am about to make 10 Gaming cafe systems with a tight budget of 35k.
So the below config is what I fetch out :

AMD fx4100 with Asrock/Gigabyte Mobo and 4gb value ram ~ 10k
NZXT Gamma ~ 2.5k
GTX550ti ~ 7.5k
CX430 PSU ~ 2.9k
Logitech G400 ~ 1.7k
Logitech normal keyboard ~ .3k
LCD AOC/Dell/LG/Philips 22" ~ 8k

Total ~ 33k

Please share your views

PS : Plz dont give me MSI gpu pricing as it is not available in Pune and pricing of other components in Pune are bit on higher side due to 5% octroi.
and for Monitor Dell St2220L is way to Go! Tht card can Handle 1080p with Playable frames(30fps+) or u can lower resolution for Better Playability!
@havoknation Go for this rig-
Intel i3 2120-6.4k
Intel DH67BL-5.6k
Corsair XMS3 4GBX1-1.4k
Sapphire HD7770-9k
Corsair CX430V2-2.5k
Nzxt Gamma-2.4k
Dell ST2220L-8.5k
Logitech MK200 Keboard-0.5k
Logitech G400-1.5k
Hope this helps.:)
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@havoknation Go for this rig-
Intel i3 2120-6.4k
Intel DH67BL-5.6k
Corsair XMS3 4GBX1-1.4k
Sapphire HD7770-9k
Corsair CX430V2-2.5k
Nzxt Gamma-2.4k
Dell ST2220L-8.5k
Logitech MK200 Keboard-0.5k
Logitech G400-1.5k

Yeah a better RIG overall, just that instead of 4GB x1 RAM module, @havoknation it will be better if you put in 2GB x2 RAM modules [dual-channel advantage]. Processor can be further down-rated to the Intel G620 and still the RIG will be good and valid for the next ~2 years [add a cheap-cheap Sandy-Bridge quad-core at the end of life-cycle to give these a new boost of life].

And for the mice, you can go for the LOGITECH G100 ~1000/- [street prices].

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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@ALPHA17 and @Jakob
Yes I have seen, i5 2120 is low power consumption cpu and better in performance. I am getting it with D61 board and 4gb ram @ 11k
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The intel i3 2120 performs better than AMD FX4100 in gaming also the Intel rig is withing your budget.The Sapphire HD7770 will give you mid-gaming performance while playing in Full HD resolution so no need to worry go for the intel rig.Hope this clears,Cheers.
ALPHA17 and Jakob
Thanks for the config but I am strict on budget thats why going for fx4100. Why are you guys letting me to swtich to intel?
These rigs will be dedicated only to mid level gaming. views?
@ALPHA17 and @Jakob
Yes I have seen, i5 2120 is low power consumption cpu and better in performance. I am getting it with D61 board and 4gb ram @ 11k

Good choice, but the H61 chipset will lack new connectors like USB 3.0.

Another thing I would recommend is that for RAM modules go for dual-channel 1600MHz kits as far as possible. This pays rich dividends in performance vis-á-vis single channel RAM module rated at 1333MHz.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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What is the point in having a USB 3.0 port in a gaming cafe :confused1:

Also its better to opt for a H61 mobo with all solid caps since it will on for a long time than a regular home PC.

I would suggest the Gigabyte GA-H61M-D2H ~ 3.25k for the config. Rest of it looks fine. The i3-21xx+HD7770+CX430V2 is a very good combo for a gaming cafe PC.
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