Gaming - Olympics 2008

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Snore PHD

It is imperative that you understand that eSports is breaking through the barrier into a serious international sport and business. Many people only first come to realise the size, impact and seriousness of the gaming market when large and well established institutions acknowledge the leverage and the synergies that come from the popularity of gaming.
The Olympic Games involvement of eSports are yet another example of how serious the gaming industry has become and it proves that it is *not* just software or hardware manufactures that preaches "e*Sports will become one of the biggest sports of all*". This development for the gaming industry is an important milestone for those that still believe that gaming/eSports is a niche market.

*eSports will become an official part of the Olympic Games in China 2008!*

The Chinese organising committee behind the worlds’ most prestigious and serious sports event "*The Olympic Games*", have focused on the use of eSports/gaming to approach and attract a younger audience for their event in Beijing later this year.

To ensure the competition maintains the highest quality and impact, the *China Internet Gaming Organising Committee *has been acquired in order to provide the best possible experience for both the Gamers and audience.

"This is a positive and major step for gaming which will adversely affect the whole world" says Louise Thomsen from SteelSeries, who will examine the possibilities in which to directly involve SteelSeries with this event. It must be noted that eSports in this connection has *not* become an official OL Sport, but that China as one of the first countries, has listed eSports as an official sport in China.

As a part of the OL event, they well known artists "Snoop Dogg" will participate in the gaming event itself as well as other known artists and athletes and celebrities.
Source: Indian Professional Gaming Portal - Story: Steelseries & Olympic Games 2008
(Yes i know i'm posting this too but anyway :D)
This is prolly the biggest opportunity for Pro-gamers in india and around the world... Lets hope it takes off.. and that the indian govt recognises us and send us there to play :D
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