Gaming PC Config

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:hap2: Hey Gamers , I am new here ,
Well I registered to know what is right for me from you guys.

I intend to assemble my next gaming machine .. the last I assembled was in 2004 !

Well I also do a bit of video editing and 3D design.

Budget 25 to 30 K only for a CPU , Mother board , RAM , SMPS , Cabinet, Graphic card.

I already have - a Sony LCD monitor , 300 GB HDD, 4 DVD drives and a 6600 GT Graphic card.

Do suggest the ideal config and if possible with prices .. the purchasing will happen by the end of next week !

Hi Dude,

Get an another monitor so that you can get more workspace.
It would be comfortable for you to work on video editing and 3d designs.

Marun said:
Hi Dude,

Get an another monitor so that you can get more workspace.
It would be comfortable for you to work on video editing and 3d designs.


Oh , My mistake in quoting .. I meant a TFT sony 19 inches is what i have.

Thanx for the input thou..
e4500 4.7k
abit ip35-e 5.5k
transcend rams 2x1gb 2k
blackdiamond smps 500w 2.7k
gigabyte 88gt 512mb 11k
WingZero said:
e4500 4.7k
abit ip35-e 5.5k
transcend rams 2x1gb 2k
blackdiamond smps 500w 2.7k
gigabyte 88gt 512mb 11k


For video editing, 2GB wont be enough especially with adobe premiere pro:@ .
Get 4GB RAM.
wen ever you work on some big project the RAM that applications eat are very high:icecream:
cosx said:
:hap2: Hey Gamers , I am new here ,
Well I registered to know what is right for me from you guys.

I intend to assemble my next gaming machine .. the last I assembled was in 2004 !

Well I also do a bit of video editing and 3D design.

Budget 25 to 30 K only for a CPU , Mother board , RAM , SMPS , Cabinet, Graphic card.

I already have - a Sony LCD monitor , 300 GB HDD, 4 DVD drives and a 6600 GT Graphic card.

Do suggest the ideal config and if possible with prices .. the purchasing will happen by the end of next week !


Well, first off be more specific if u'll be doin more of 3d editing or Gaming cos ur proccy'd be chosen accordingly!!!

For gaming, get an E8400 fer 8.5k odd; else fer 3d editing n stuff get the Q6600 fer 10k odd.

Now thing is, buying a motherboard decides ur overclocking-ability although u can settle for the Biostar TP35D2A7 which overclocks pretty decently.. Price shud be close to 4.4k mark.

Get 4GB RAM only if u plan to run Vista else settle fer 2GB DDR2 from Transcend JetRams/ Corsair Value Rams. Price shud be <2k..

Get a 9600GT from eVGA/XFX. Contact Phoenix from these forums. He'll help u get a good deal fer tat.. Price <10k.

Get a CorsairVX450 PSU fer 3.8k odd and some generic cabinet.

PS:A worthwhile suggestion wud be sell tat old gfx card, get some moolah and inc ur Budget by 5k..
Otherwise u'll hav to get a 8600GT card..

Hey guys .. thank you for these inputs.. will keep this thread posted with the combination and the prices once i am done with them ...
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