Gaming PC for 50k, Config Inside, Suggestions Welcome

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Hello guys.....

I really need your opinion about my configuration. I am going to assemble my new PC in the coming 5 days. My budget is about 50k. Following is the confiig:

AMD Phenom 2 940 BE – (10.8k)
Motherboard – Need suggestions, ASUS/Gigabyte/any other - (5k) ???
Corsair 3GB DDR2-800 – (2.3k)
Palit GTX 260 Sonic 216 896 MB – (11k)
WD 500GB 32MB HDD – (3.1k)
Sony DVD/RW 22X – (1.3k)
NZXT Guardian 921 Cabinet – (4.5k)
Antec EA650 or Corsair 550VX – (4.8K / 5.5k) ???
Samsung 2233SW 21.5†LCD – (10.1k)

Total – 53k

Please feel free to suggeest any other configs and do suggest a good mobo for 5k which is good for gaming and moderate overclocking. The sole purpose of the system is Gaming....

I have quoted prices from this site safe for purchasing and are the prices correct?
In my city the dealers quote more price for the same components.

I also have the option of ordering these from Tirupati Enterprise, whose owner is my friend’s bro....

Waiting for ur suggestions......
First of all, avoid the Guardian 921 at all cost, it looks good but the airflow is unbelievably bad.
Secondly, if you can find the Antec, go with that, else consider the GlacialPower AL650 PSU. VX550 is way overpriced IMO.

Guys more in touch with AMD CPU+Mobo combinations will give you suggestions on the aforementioned, though i think if you're going for the 940 BE, it'd be better to spend a bit more and go the DDR3 way.

PS: Shoudn't your first post be in the introduction section? :P
Anyway, welcome to TE. :)
Thanx for the quick reply....
Wat cabinet would u suggest then.....initially i was going for cm690, but it looks like its made of nets in the front and at top. Dust particles can easily settle inside the cabinet....
nsgage said:
Thanx for the quick reply....
Wat cabinet would u suggest then.....initially i was going for cm690, but it looks like its made of nets in the front and at top. Dust particles can easily settle inside the cabinet....

690 is extinct, better you pick something else up...
If you like NZXT as a brand and want their cabinets, the Lexa and Tempest are amongst their good ones.
You can also consider the Cooler Master Gladiator or the new CM Storm Scout.
You won't go wrong with any of these :)
Also wat would be the alternative am3 configuration.....or....are there mobos available which work for both am2+ and am3 processors?
Its a good config..,but 4 mobo u should go 4 gigabyte ga ma790 - ud4h @ 8k...
But 4 psu I think Corsair vx 550 is 6k and 4 gpu I will recommend hd 4870 1 gb ddr5 @ 13k...
In case antec 900 is good u can also try cooler master haf932...'
in ram go 4 Corsair xms 2*2 gb ddr2 @3.8k...?
Get AM3 and DDR3. As the purpose is gaming get a P-II 720 and an after market cooler like the Vendetta 2 to OC it.

I think the cost may increase by 5k if you go for AM3 and DDR3 4GB but it will be worth it as upgrade path will be way easier.

You can go for an Antec 300 I feel this is the best case in its class also a CM-RP 460W can easily power this rig.

If you wanna stick to DDRII get the Biostar 790GX 128mb at 6k.

There are many other dealers on the forum so you can have a look whose offering the best prices.
AMD Phenom 2 940 BE – (10.8k)

Motherboard – Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2HP - (5k)

Corsair 2x2GB DDR2 800 – (2.5k)

Palit GTX 260 Sonic 216 896 MB – (11k)

WD 640GB 16MB HDD – (3.8k)

LG GH22NS30 – (1.3k)

CM Gladiator 600 Cabinet – (4.5k)

Corsair 550VX – (5.5k)

BenQ T2200HD 21.5” LCD – (10.1k)
I'm still in doubt over the mobo....
Which one should I buy:
1. ASUS M3A78-EM (<5K)
2. ASUS M3N78-EM (<5K)
3. ASUS M4N78 PRO (6.5K, ATX, AM3 ready, looks good)
4. Gigabyte GA-MA78GMUS2H (<5k)

Please suggest the best value for money motherboard which is fast for gaming and can overclock in future....
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