51-70k Gaming PC Upgrade

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I want to upgrade my current gaming pc. I mostly play games like COD Warzone, Assassin's Creed etc. My current
processsor (i54460) is unable to handle COD Warzone.

I have cannibalized the following parts from my existing rig:

GPU: EVGA GTX 970 (will upgrade later)
PSU: Seasonic M12II EVO 620
HDD: 1TB WD (7200) + 500 TB WD (7200)
SSD: 120 GB Samsung 750 EVO
Gaming Keyboard and Mouse
Monitor: AOC 2243fwk2 (will upgrade to 4K later)

I need to buy the following:

Processor (Intel/AMD both will work)
SSD NVME (500 gb atleast)
Cabinet (Need good cabinet with enough cooling and space for easy cable management)
RAM (enough to play latest games)

I do not want to spend more than 50k-55k. Kindly suggest options and help me out guys!
I want to upgrade my current gaming pc. I mostly play games like COD Warzone, Assassin's Creed etc. My current
processsor (i54460) is unable to handle COD Warzone.

I have cannibalized the following parts from my existing rig:

GPU: EVGA GTX 970 (will upgrade later)
PSU: Seasonic M12II EVO 620
HDD: 1TB WD (7200) + 500 TB WD (7200)
SSD: 120 GB Samsung 750 EVO
Gaming Keyboard and Mouse
Monitor: AOC 2243fwk2 (will upgrade to 4K later)

I need to buy the following:

Processor (Intel/AMD both will work)
SSD NVME (500 gb atleast)
Cabinet (Need good cabinet with enough cooling and space for easy cable management)
RAM (enough to play latest games)

I do not want to spend more than 50k-55k. Kindly suggest options and help me out guys!
msi b450 tomahawk max II and amd 5600X show do the job for you. add crucial ballastix 8gb x 2 =16gb ram and you are good to go. if need more ram then 32gb max. so 10k / 12k +27k + 10k = 47k to 49k.
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msi b450 tomahawk max II and amd 5600X show do the job for you. add crucial ballastix 8gb x 2 =16gb ram and you are good to go. if need more ram then 32gb max. so 10k / 12k +27k + 10k = 47k to 49k.
This seems fine but I wud advice b550 over b450 board if u wanna buy 5600x , adding around 5-6k for nvme SSD and 4-5k for a decent cabinet will raise the budget to 60k which will be worth cuz u are getting 5600x and upgradablity
However if u wanna stay in budget and not gonna upgrade any time soon then 10k(ram)and 10k(SSD and cabinet) leaves 30k for processor and mb..I wud suggest a h410m/h510m with i5 10400f/11400f
.first intel combo(~22k) will be cheaper than 2nd (~27k) but it'll be worth spending 4k more as 11400f has noticable improvemnt over 10400f. If u feel like h410m are cheap motherboards u can also but a bit pricey b460m for 10400f . Intel build will be weaker than 5600x but will be subsequently less priced . With 5600x u can upgrade gpu upto 3070ti/3080
With 10400f 2060super/3060
With 11400f 2070/2070super/3060ti

Your 620w bronze supply might also need to be upgraded in case you use 5600x with 3080/3070ti(future) and overclock . For upto a 3060ti(with 5600x)or intel builds u might not need to upgrade psu..however if u decide to upgrade psu now or in future a gold 750/bronze 850 is a good option..

Cabinet- antec mx210/310, cm masterbox k501, tt s100,msi mag forge
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This seems fine but I wud advice b550 over b450 board if u wanna buy 5600x , adding around 5-6k for nvme SSD and 4-5k for a decent cabinet will raise the budget to 60k which will be worth cuz u are getting 5600x and upgradablity
However if u wanna stay in budget and not gonna upgrade any time soon then 10k(ram)and 10k(SSD and cabinet) leaves 30k for processor and mb..I wud suggest a h410m/h510m with i5 10400f/11400f
.first intel combo(~22k) will be cheaper than 2nd (~27k) but it'll be worth spending 4k more as 11400f has noticable improvemnt over 10400f. If u feel like h410m are cheap motherboards u can also but a bit pricey b460m for 10400f . Intel build will be weaker than 5600x but will be subsequently less priced . With 5600x u can upgrade gpu upto 3070ti/3080
With 10400f 2060super/3060
With 11400f 2070/2070super/3060ti

Your 620w bronze supply might also need to be upgraded in case you use 5600x with 3080/3070ti(future) and overclock . For upto a 3060ti(with 5600x)or intel builds u might not need to upgrade psu..however if u decide to upgrade psu now or in future a gold 750/bronze 850 is a good option..

Cabinet- antec mx210/310, cm masterbox k501, tt s100,msi mag forge
instead of paying for b550, I would then suggest x570 itself for 22k or so. thats best in terms of all the functionality.
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instead of paying for b550, I would then suggest x570 itself for 22k or so. thats best in terms of all the functionality.
What 8k processor wud u suggest him that he wud pair with his 22k x570. Considering 10k for ram and 10k for SSD cabinet and his total budget being 50k?
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msi b450 tomahawk max II and amd 5600X show do the job for you. add crucial ballastix 8gb x 2 =16gb ram and you are good to go. if need more ram then 32gb max. so 10k / 12k +27k + 10k = 47k to 49k.

This seems fine but I wud advice b550 over b450 board if u wanna buy 5600x , adding around 5-6k for nvme SSD and 4-5k for a decent cabinet will raise the budget to 60k which will be worth cuz u are getting 5600x and upgradablity
However if u wanna stay in budget and not gonna upgrade any time soon then 10k(ram)and 10k(SSD and cabinet) leaves 30k for processor and mb..I wud suggest a h410m/h510m with i5 10400f/11400f
.first intel combo(~22k) will be cheaper than 2nd (~27k) but it'll be worth spending 4k more as 11400f has noticable improvemnt over 10400f. If u feel like h410m are cheap motherboards u can also but a bit pricey b460m for 10400f . Intel build will be weaker than 5600x but will be subsequently less priced . With 5600x u can upgrade gpu upto 3070ti/3080
With 10400f 2060super/3060
With 11400f 2070/2070super/3060ti

Your 620w bronze supply might also need to be upgraded in case you use 5600x with 3080/3070ti(future) and overclock . For upto a 3060ti(with 5600x)or intel builds u might not need to upgrade psu..however if u decide to upgrade psu now or in future a gold 750/bronze 850 is a good option..

Cabinet- antec mx210/310, cm masterbox k501, tt s100,msi mag forge

So 5600x + B550 is around 36k and i511400F + H510m is around 27K. My question is that is there any noticeable difference in gaming if I
spend extra on 5600X? My sole purpose is gaming and I want a decent processor which should be future proof for atleast 5 years in terms of gaming.

I would be looking at 3060 level graphics card later on. Will it be good for gaming at 4k?

In case of RAM, I am seeing two speeds of 2666Mhz and 3000Mhz in DDR4. Is the latter better and worth spending extra on?
instead of paying for b550, I would then suggest x570 itself for 22k or so. thats best in terms of all the functionality.

What 8k processor wud u suggest him that he wud pair with his 22k x570. Considering 10k for ram and 10k for SSD cabinet and his total budget being 50k?

So apart from the obvious budget issue (nicely pointed out by Docsaab), I want to understand the benefit of buying x570 over B550. Does
it help in CPU performance or anything else that would be a hard miss in B550?
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Yes there is a noticable difference in performance between 5600x and 11400f but only if u are pairing it with a powerful gpu (like 3070ti)
However in your case you plan on using 3060 which will be giving similar performance on both cpu(5600x giving 2-5% more) with a 5year puture plan 11400f with 3060 makes perfect sense only if ur target max upgrade is 3060/3060ti . Some cpu intensive games exceptions like poopex lejhund.
As a rule of thumb higher speed ram gives better results on amd platform because of its infinity fabric ..
Your choice of ram speed also depends on which motherboard u take ex.. x570 support higher speed ram than b450 .
You shudnt fuss a lot about ram speed in intel build 2667 vs 3000mhz not a big difference
A higher series /expensive motherboard has its own benefits which may/maynot be for u..like more nvme slots , more sata ports , more ram slots , more pcie slots , more usb3 slots , argb headers , better sound isolation of audio circuit , better lan chip/ wifi/bluetooth . Better MOSFETs and capacitor for better power delivery and better vrms , better overclock ability , crossfire ability .
But in a stock setting eg r5 3400g will perform same on a320vs b450 vs x470. But higher series motherboard maybe able to overclock better (with investment of better cooling ) also your series of motherboard defines your max suggested upgrade due to power delivery
Ex .. a320 max uograde r3 3300x , b450 r7 series , x470 r9 series
Intel chips mostly perform same on different motherboard unless it's overclockable or supports better ram on new motherboard ..
Final advice 3060 is not worth the money , price to performance ratio of 3060ti is much better than 3060 . 3060ti will give better and noticable performance over 3060..
Will 3060 be Enuf for 4k gaming ? Well that question is very difficult to answer because of 5year being a very long time and your intented games/settings we don't know . If u think 3060 will give u 60fps ultra setting on 4k for AAA titles for upcoming 5 years then u might be wrong . But maybe 60 fps low/med settings on 4k for 2-3 years maybe possible on AAA titles
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Yes there is a noticable difference in performance between 5600x and 11400f but only if u are pairing it with a powerful gpu (like 3070ti)
However in your case you plan on using 3060 which will be giving similar performance on both cpu(5600x giving 2-5% more) with a 5year puture plan 11400f with 3060 makes perfect sense only if ur target max upgrade is 3060/3060ti . Some cpu intensive games exceptions like poopex lejhund.
As a rule of thumb higher speed ram gives better results on amd platform because of its infinity fabric ..
Your choice of ram speed also depends on which motherboard u take ex.. x570 support higher speed ram than b450 .
You shudnt fuss a lot about ram speed in intel build 2667 vs 3000mhz not a big difference
A higher series /expensive motherboard has its own benefits which may/maynot be for u..like more nvme slots , more sata ports , more ram slots , more pcie slots , more usb3 slots , argb headers , better sound isolation of audio circuit , better lan chip/ wifi/bluetooth . Better MOSFETs and capacitor for better power delivery and better vrms , better overclock ability , crossfire ability .
But in a stock setting eg r5 3400g will perform same on a320vs b450 vs x470. But higher series motherboard maybe able to overclock better (with investment of better cooling ) also your series of motherboard defines your max suggested upgrade due to power delivery
Ex .. a320 max uograde r3 3300x , b450 r7 series , x470 r9 series
Intel chips mostly perform same on different motherboard unless it's overclockable or supports better ram on new motherboard ..
Final advice 3060 is not worth the money , price to performance ratio of 3060ti is much better than 3060 . 3060ti will give better and noticable performance over 3060..
Will 3060 be Enuf for 4k gaming ? Well that question is very difficult to answer because of 5year being a very long time and your intented games/settings we don't know . If u think 3060 will give u 60fps ultra setting on 4k for AAA titles for upcoming 5 years then u might be wrong . But maybe 60 fps low/med settings on 4k for 2-3 years maybe possible on AAA titles
Thanks for the advice. I will be considering 3060ti for future or maybe wait for the next series of GPUs by Nvidia. If I go with i5 11400f, will my processor will be able to handle all titles that my GPU will be capable of handling?
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Thanks for the advice. I will be considering 3060ti for future or maybe wait for the next series of GPUs by Nvidia. If I go with i5 11400f, will my processor will be able to handle all titles that my GPU will be capable of handling?
Yes for most of the games there will be no cpu bottleneck , especially at 2k and above . However in a handful some cpu intensive games u might have to see a 5-10% bottleneck
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msi b450 tomahawk max II and amd 5600X show do the job for you. add crucial ballastix 8gb x 2 =16gb ram and you are good to go. if need more ram then 32gb max. so 10k / 12k +27k + 10k = 47k to 49k.
Isn't it better to go for a similar B550 motherboard such as MSI B550 Pro VDF Wifi? Are there any positives for the b450 tomahawk in comparison to the cheaper B550 boards?
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