Gaming pc VS PS3/XBOX360


Was trying to gather info on building my own gaming pc but it was not that easy as I thought a high-end graphic card which needed a good psu a decent mobo and processor with a 4gb ram all inside a good space cabinet which went really out of my budget .... Even if I build such a pc later it all gets connected to a 20" LCD which is not worth it . Rather all this why not go for a xbox360 or a ps3 in which you will get the max quality in your gaming and you can also easily hook it up with your LCD tv Just was wondering what you guys think about this , A well high end gaming pc or console ??? Do reply and let me know myself willing to go for a xbox360 .
Static.x said:
Was trying to gather info on building my own gaming pc but it was not that easy as I thought a high-end graphic card which needed a good psu a decent mobo and processor with a 4gb ram all inside a good space cabinet which went really out of my budget .... Even if I build such a pc later it all gets connected to a 20" LCD which is not worth it . Rather all this why not go for a xbox360 or a ps3 in which you will get the max quality in your gaming and you can also easily hook it up with your LCD tv Just was wondering what you guys think about this , A well high end gaming pc or console ??? Do reply and let me know myself willing to go for a xbox360 .

I see a number of mis-conceptions in your post.

1. You can connect a PC to an LCD TV just as easily as you would connect a Monitor. Most LCD TV's have a combination of VGA, DVI and HDMI inputs. Most Graphics cards also have a combination of the same outputs. You just need to use the right cable.

2. What do you mean by max quality in gaming on consoles? Consoles renders games at 1280 x 720 or even lower resolutions and then upscale the image to 1080p. Also most of the settings that lead to better visual quality are either switched off or set to low quality. A PC renders natively at whatever resolution you set the game to. For gaming at 1280 x 720 or lower on a PC, you don't need a ultra high end GPU, CPU or RAM. a budget system with a low to mid range GPU will do fine.

3. Contrary to the popular misconception, consoles work out costlier than a PC for gaming. A budget PC will do fine if you want to run games at low resolutions that consoles work at. Even if you frequently upgrade that PC, the cost would be easily offset by the cost of games. A console game costs 3 to 10 times that of a PC game. if you play 30~40 games in an year, A PC would easily work out cheaper.

As for your main question.

The actual advantage of a console is that you don't have to mess around with the hardware or software and even a technology noob can easily hook up a console to a TV and be done with it. You don't have install drivers or configure a firewall or setup an anti virus (for now at least). The disadvantage is the limited functionality. You can play games and watch movies and browse/chat on the net and thats about it. Most of the Internet functionality is pretty limited and is no where near what you experience on a PC.

The PC on the other hand is all about flexibility and you can make it as cheap or as powerful as you want. You can play just about any any media format and not limited like consoles are limited to certain codecs. You can capture and record video with a TV Tuner, You can run games and you can run apps, you have a multitude of input options (Keyboard/Mouse, Remote Controls, USB game pads, Joysticks, steering wheels etc)

In the end I would say that there are conditions under which a PC or a Console make a better choice over the other and its not like one rule applies to all. If you are technologically challanged or too impatient to mess around with drivers and what not and willing to spend an extra premium to get rid of all of that headache and don't mind/care about the flexibility or multi-purpose nature of the PC, then you should have a console rather than a PC, on the other hard, if you need flexibility in everything (cost, ability to run productivity/entertainment apps), then PC is for you. The choice is yours to make.

There are also a number of people like me who dabbled in both PC and console worlds. I for myself have a high end PC, PS3, XBOX 360 and PSP. My reasoning for buying the PS3 and XBOX 360 is to cover the games that are released only on those platforms. They also act as a redundant system for me to use when one of the others fail. I bought my PSP for watching movies or gaming during the long power cuts have here.