I need suggestion on the gaming performance ratio or dependencie.
I' am a Gamer as everyone here, All I want is to compare the gaming performance difference.
I have Abit IP35-E and transcend 2GB X2 DDr800.
I can oc this cpu E2160@3.2ghz with My CM hyper48 and Zebby 500 watts platinum.
however if performance is counted than how about E8400 against E2160 with above same difference.
I need suggestion on the gaming performance ratio or dependencie.
I' am a Gamer as everyone here, All I want is to compare the gaming performance difference.
I have Abit IP35-E and transcend 2GB X2 DDr800.
I can oc this cpu E2160@3.2ghz with My CM hyper48 and Zebby 500 watts platinum.
however if performance is counted than how about E8400 against E2160 with above same difference.