Gaming Rig - Budget 50K


Hey Guys,

Suggest me a Gaming rig for my bro. The budget is 50K max! The rig will be used for heavy gaming, Full HD Movies and some light 3D work. The Rig WILL NOT be Overclocked.

I am thinking about the following as of now :

Processor : AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 3.2GHz ==> 8,250

(How about AMD Phenom II X4 925 2.8 GHz? It should be around 1k cheaper. )

Motherboard : Suggest??

GPU : Sapphire ATI Radeon HD5850 1GB GDDR5 ==> 14,200

(I don't want to compromise on GPU, hence opted for 5850. I hope the price quote is right. Got it from another thread. )

RAM : 4(2*2GB) 1333MHz Gskill DDRIII RAM ==> 5,600

(Kingston will do if its cheaper. )

HDD : 500 GB WD Blue ==> 2,350

(Any cheaper alternative? I already have a 1TB external and I'll be adding another 1TB later. )

Monitor : Samsung P2350 ==> 10,800

(I hate Benq and Dell. This Sammy really looks sweet. The reviews are good too. )

PSU : Corsair VX550 ==> 5,000

(Please suggest a cheaper alternative. I don't want to compromise on PSU but I am forced to due to budget constraint. )

Cabinet : CoolerMaster HAF 922/ CoolerMaster 690 ==> 6,700/4,300

(I have my heart set on these cabbys. But I do realize that the budget is going overboard. And out of all the components, I guess this is the only one on which i can afford to compromise. I just hope I am somehow able to squeeze the CM690 in the budget. )

DVD Drive : Samsung ==> 1,100

Keyboard : Alcheapo ==> 300

(Will buy a cool one later. )

TOTAL ==> 51,900 ( Exclusive of Motherboard. :( )

If I add a cheap motherboard of even around 6k, the budget still shoots up to 58k. This means I still have to trim down the configuration by as much as 8k. :( Sucks!! But no other option.

I will be buying these from Nehru Place, Delhi. The above are the approx. price quotes I got from other similar threads. Please mention if the prices of some components are not correct. :)


plz confirm price of 5850 from ur local market.

im buying saphier at 16400(quoted price ws 17800) after havy discount( i live in jaipur).
if u r geting one at 14200, plz reply and tell me the place too
ill b realy greatful :hap2:
Cut down on the enclosure and power supply expenses. Get something cheaper such as the VX450 (3.5k?) and the Coolermaster CM590/Lian Li Lancool K56/NZXT Gamma/CM Elite 335 (2~4k?).

Why don't you get the Phenom II 555BE processor and a suitable 890GX chipset based board such as the Biostar TA890GXE to have the additional cores unlocked? This shouldn't be a bottleneck for the GPU either.

Btw where are you getting the prices of the 5850 from? Those certainly look cheap to me! At least a good 1k lower than the usual pricing.
Components Description Price (INR)

Processor AMD Phenom II X2 555BE(3.2Ghz, 2 cores, 6MB L3 Cache) 4900

Motherboard Gigabyte MA785GMT-USB3 5800

RAM 4(2*2GB) 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM 5600

HDD 500 GB WD Blue 2200

GPU Sapphire HD5850 1GB GDDR5 15500

Monitor Benq P2350 10800

Cabinet NZXT Gamma 2000

PSU/SMPS Corsair VX450 3700

ODD L.G. GH22NS50 OEM SATA DVD-Writer 1000

Total 51500

Keyboard-mobo of ur choice. The proccy and mobo can be skimped a bit to keep costs down to ~52k.The HD5850 is less power hungry than the likes of HD4870 and the VX450 handles it easily. Also the NZXT Gamma is a very good budget cabby. Chk them out.

Gigabyte MA785GMT-USB3 successfully unlocks 555BE ( a member in TE has done it. Chk CPU/ Mobo Corner). It also supports Thuban's after a bios upgrade.
@Gannu & Dark Angel : Thanks for the suggestions.

@tajendra : I got the price from this thread. Even I am having a hard time believing these quotes. He is quoting Sapphire HD5770 @ 6500.

Processor : AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0GHz ==> 7,200

Motherboard : Gigabyte MA785GMT-USB3 ==> 5,800

GPU : Sapphire ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB GDDR5 ==> 9,500

RAM : 4(2*2GB) 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM ==> 5,500

HDD : 500 GB WD ==> 2,000

Monitor : Samsung P2350 ==> 10,800

PSU : Corsair VX450 ==> 3,700

CoolerMaster 690 ==> 4,300

DVD Drive : Samsung ==> 1,000

Keyboard : Alcheapo ==> 300

TOTAL ==> 50,100

So, here you are. This is the configuration that I have decided upon. I have replaced X4 955 3.2GHz with X4 945 3.0 GHz. There is a price difference of 1k and I don't think there will be any major performance difference. Also, I have replaced HD5850 with HD5770 due to budget constraint. The only option left will be to crossfire it later. I guess HD5770 can handle most of the games at max settings anyways. Now the question is, will the Corsair VX450 be able to handle the crossfire setup? Please give your suggestions/changes? :)


From what i infer from the forum there is a general consensus that the thought of "I will get a GPU now and go for CF later when needed" doesn't work out too well. It is better to go for better single faster card now. As when you decide to CF the HD5770(I am guessing i would be 9-12 months) there would be much better cards around and the current cards would have gotten much cheaper.

IIRC ATI has the HD6xxxx series cards slated for chirstmas this year (Q4 2010). It would better to sell off the current card then and go for 10-11k card in a year which i assume definitely would be as powerful as HD5850 or even better.(following the GPU trends in the recent past)

You could instead gamble on the CPU and save ~2k there and instead invest it on the GPU. The 555BE has a very good unlocking success rate(80-90%). Many in TE have successfully unlocked it. Even without unlocking the 555BE will not be a bottleneck to the HD5850 IIRC. But wait for gamers to confirm.

You can also decide to go for a Biostar TA785G3 DDRIII mobo for around 3.7-4k~ and use that towards the GPU. They are pretty decent and have 3yrs warranty too.
^True, but I plan to crossfire it within 3-4 months. Although I am getting this rig for my bro, I won't mind some heavy gaming on it once in a while. :eek:hyeah: I have been using laptops since past 3 years and god knows how much I miss gaming. It would be great to bring the good'ol days back. :D

You didn't answer my question. Will VX450 be able to handle the crossfire setup? Is going with X4 945 to save 1k a wise choice? Also please confirm if the prices of the components are right. It would be super cool if I could get HD5770 for 1k-2k less. :p
The 945 is pretty decent and wouldn't have much difference for a gaming setup.

The HD5770 is a very power efficient card. Max. power consumption is only ~110w.(during benchmarks) and just 85w peak power.(gaming).

So the VX450 should be able to handle a HD5770 CF but then it would allow much headroom for any other further upgrades i guess.

HD5770 power consumption

PSU wattage

PSU Engine says recommend PSU wattage is 395w(345w minimum). So a VX450 will handle it.
^LOL that's still a mystery with those quotes you have put up. Anyways, keep a fair share from your budget as a buffer, should they charge you for the VAT. :)

Keep us updated on the pricing as well bluffy.

EDIT: Why don't you get a NZXT Gamma? Except for the frontal looks, the enclosure is more or less the same, compared to a CM690. If you can squeeze a Seasonic S12II 520W power supply for 4100 INR, that'd be an awesome buy. Rahul @ TheITWares has it listed here - SeaSonic Power Supplies |Full Range|
^Thanks. Since I am going to purchase them locally, I hope there isn't much price difference. I did think about that MSI, but the reviews say that it runs hot. Lets see what I can get.

@Gannu : Thats the problem, I don't have anything as a buffer. :p I am a huge spender and 50k is all that I have left. :(
Processor : AMD Athlon II X4 635 ==> 5,400

Motherboard : Biostar TA890GXE ==> 6,600

GPU : MSI HD5850 1GB GDDR5 ==> 15,500

RAM : 4GB (2 x 2) Kingston 1333MHz DDRIII ==> 5,500

HDD : WD 500GB Blue ==> 2,200

Monitor : BenQ G2220HD ==> 7,600

PSU : SeaSonic S12II 520W ==> 4,100/Corsair VX450 ==> 3,700

Case : LanCool PC-K56 ==> 4,000

DVD Drive : L.G. G22NS30 22x SATA ==> 1,000

51k ~

plug n play rig ..
Got my Rig today and made a big blunder. Upon suggestion I blindly went and bought the Gigabyte 785GMT USB3 mobo only to later realize that it doesn't really support crossfire. :| I compromised on HD5770 only because I intended to crossfire it in another 2 months. I am so pissed off with myself today. :|

Anyways, the following is the config I bought :

Processor : AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0GHz

Motherboard : Gigabyte MA785GMT-USB3 ==> 12,600

GPU : Sapphire ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB GDDR5 ==> 9,600

RAM : 4(2*2GB) 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM ==> 5,200

HDD : 500 GB WD ==> 2,050

Monitor : Samsung P2350 ==> 10,900

PSU : Corsair VX450 ==> 3,800

CoolerMaster 690 ==> 4,500

DVD Drive : Samsung ==> 1,050

Keyboard : HCL ==> 300

TOTAL ==> 50,000

Thanks for the suggestion guys. Appreciate it. :) Just regret that I did not search for mobo reviews before getting it.
Bah. Thats bad.:( But u can sell the card for ~8k after 2 months and go for a HD5850. Even though the performance wont be as high as the HD5770CF it should suffice :)
^I told you before that I was going to crossfire, if only you could have realized the wrong mobo then. :p Anyways, whats done is done.

The morons only provided a VGA cable with the monitor. But a VGA to DVI converter is provided with the card I think. So is the job done, or do I need a DVI cable for better picture clarity?
I didnt have CF in mind when i suggested dat rig and i forgot about the mobo later :( You could have just chked the specs once though. A CF mobo would have exceeded budget though :p

Anyways HD5770CF gives a performance boost of ~75% over a HD5770 and HD5850 gives a performance boost of ~50-60% over a HD5770
Ok Guys, need help. I got the PC assembled from Nehru place, it worked fine then. But upon reaching home when I tried to turn it on, it won't start. Its driving me insane. What am I doing wrong? :(

From the beginning, any UPS and/or surge protectors? If so which one. BTW, there's a power switch behind the power as well, is it switched on? If it is, moving on:

When you switch the system on, does any of the fans start?