I've 40k for CPU cabinet the whole box and 13k worth I'm buying LCD monitor Benq 21.5" Full HD 1920 X 1080
So plz build my Cabinet Box within 40k
Any company products will do
I"ll use Vista Ultimate 64 bit
I'll buy it from Nehru Place, Delhi, India, its Asia's largest Computer Market
HDD- 500GB wil do
Casing must be Cooling effficient , I can compromise on looks a bit
Any DVD writer
GPU must be top-end coz I'll play games like Unreal Tournament, Crysis:War Head, Farcry, FEAR, Assassins Creed, supreme commander, call of duty 4, world in conflict, etc
So plz build my Cabinet Box within 40k
Any company products will do
I"ll use Vista Ultimate 64 bit
I'll buy it from Nehru Place, Delhi, India, its Asia's largest Computer Market
HDD- 500GB wil do
Casing must be Cooling effficient , I can compromise on looks a bit
Any DVD writer
GPU must be top-end coz I'll play games like Unreal Tournament, Crysis:War Head, Farcry, FEAR, Assassins Creed, supreme commander, call of duty 4, world in conflict, etc