Gaming wheeel - wat to buy?

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My son has started his demand for a racing wheel as a prize for standing 1st. in his class in the 2nd terminal exam.
I'm a noob about these things. So please suggest me something with all pros and cons and prices also.
If you want to get the best buy Logitech G25 , it is expensive , around 16k.This one comes with a clutch.

Or else , you can go for other wheels , like Logitech Momo (5k) etc. This one does not comes with a clutch , only brake and race pedals.
Sunnyboi is selling his friend's relatively new wheel for 4.4k: Dont know details about the pros and cons of the logitech momo, but im sure u can get reviews online. I guess the main thing to look for is sensitivity of the servos/sensors(?) in the wheel and pedals, and to make sure any deadzone (if present) isnt too large.

Edit:Just saw joy's post stating that a new momo is 5k...dont mean to deter peeps from sunny's thread or anything, but that speaks for itself.
Well Logitech wheels are the best , don't know any other brand better than this.I personally use a Logitech Momo.

Here , these wheels are available at Ebay as well , if u want to u can use a discount coupon and get Rs, 500/- or 1000/- max off as well.

eBay India: LOGITECH MOMO RACING FORCE FEEDBACK WHEEL/GAMING WHEEL (item 320311056657 end time 15-Dec-2008 08:03:16 IST)

eBay India: LOGITECH RACING WHEEL G25/POWERFUL GAMING WHEEL@4%vat (item 320315977697 end time 02-Jan-2009 17:25:10 IST)

Joy :)
Logitech force feedback wheel is being quoted by my dealer @3400+VAT. Don't know whether its a Momo.

Also there is Frontech wheels @1100+VAT
Well it your choice , check with dealer first whether its a Momo , if it is take that.Don't bother with Frontech wheels , as they are crap and cheap and pedals can get broken very easily I guess..
If he is a small child say a 4 grader or 5 grader then get a any local brand wheel for him.No use giving expensive stuff to kids,he will not understand the difference between force feedback and non force feedback wheel,if u r going to play on it too then get the logitech momo.
H@cKer said:
If he is a small child say a 4 grader or 5 grader then get a any local brand wheel for him.No use giving expensive stuff to kids,he will not understand the difference between force feedback and non force feedback wheel,if u r going to play on it too then get the logitech momo.

He is 3rd grader but is a tech addict like me.

joy1 said:
Well it your choice , check with dealer first whether its a Momo , if it is take that.Don't bother with Frontech wheels , as they are crap and cheap and pedals can get broken very easily I guess..

Its probably the Formula vibration feedback. How much is the steering rotation angle in a Momo? in G25 its 900 deg. like a real steering - its way beyond my budget.
archat68 said:
He is 3rd grader but is a tech addict like me.

Its probably the Formula vibration feedback. How much is the steering rotation angle in a Momo? in G25 its 900 deg. like a real steering - its way beyond my budget.

Logitech Momo - 270 deg. , but still is good enough for casual driving , if u want hardcore real then get a 900 deg. one.
I would still say go with the local brand if its for a kid.No gr8 loss even if he breaks it,kids have tendency of opening things,I had the same tendency when I was a kid:ashamed: used to rip apart toys to see whats inside it.

If u r not bounded by budget then get the momo.:hap2:
Get the momo. But dont give it to your son. You use it to play good games like GTR 2, Grid, Dirt, etc... :rofl:

I use it and it totally kicksass!!
H@cKer said:
I would still say go with the local brand if its for a kid.No gr8 loss even if he breaks it,kids have tendency of opening things,I had the same tendency when I was a kid:ashamed: used to rip apart toys to see whats inside it.

If u r not bounded by budget then get the momo.:hap2:

+ 1 .., local wheels are just ps2 controllers (their analog's) connected to wheel .. to detect movements .., good enough for the kid .. + they have force feedback too ..:hap2:
archat68 said:
Logitech force feedback wheel is being quoted by my dealer @3400+VAT. Don't know whether its a Momo.
Also there is Frontech wheels @1100+VAT

well i had the logitech force feed back wheel called wingman,the difference b/w this and locals ones is that,the locals ones have a spring to get them back to the centre position,and over time they loose that centre position. but the logitech has a motorised one which makes the wheel always come back to its centre position,u can adjust the stiffness or the resistence the wheel is giving to the user,also the force feedback is amazing it will make u feel like going on bad roads or when u go over a chicane etc.also u can remove the DC power adaptors pin ,which makes the steering very easy to turn with no resistence,this is what i used to do when i used to play a long race like 60 laps in F1,for ur kid i highly recommend this logitech force feed back aka wingman or the momo force.
Thank you guys for the inputs.

Went to lcal market this afternoon. Momo is not readily available - will have to order and wait.

So, bought the Formula Vibration Feedback wheel. Got it for 2475/- all inclusive.
Congrats on the purchase... and best of luck to your son from my side.. The momo is a good option for the future.. the problem with momo starts as time passes by..

i have a momo nad have been using it for quite a while.. as i play mostly only sim/arcade based racing games.. you may face a few problems with rough handling of any wheel i.e ... momo/Formula .. (the g25 is another story)

it starts with the play on the wheel ... it moves a up and down a little .. then as you turn it will probably start making cracking sounds..(trust me itll sound like a mini-diwali in there) .. and the pedals are a bit fragile so.. those would be the cons..
try getting one of those bathroom mats (rs 20 on any for the pedals as they seldom stay in one place while and the rubber grip ont he wheel ..catches tons and tons of dust and tends to get sticky ( sweating and all that :ashamed: ).. lol

i think other than these i havent really faced too many problems..

Nice buy man , I hope your boy beats Micheal Schumacher in Formula 1. :bleh: :bleh:
archat68 said:
Thank you guys for the inputs.
Went to lcal market this afternoon. Momo is not readily available - will have to order and wait.
So, bought the Formula Vibration Feedback wheel. Got it for 2475/- all inclusive.
BTW which racing games can be played by the kid with onboard gfx (AMD 690G). He used to play Midtown madness, roadrash etc. Any suggestion keeping in view of the age (9 year)?
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