Gaming wheels !!

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for 4.5 K u will get Logitech MOMO wheel with Force feedback.FF is worth the money.
Else look at the Microsoft SideWinder on sale here be Neville. I think it's for 1.5K
The MOMO is way better than the MS wheel for the same price anyday, I have used both alot for CMR series.
I was saying that Neville is selling a used MS sidewinder wheel for 1.5K and Neville is a guy you can trust.
MOMO is much better if u want to buy a new one.
Why Momo or any other wheel for arcade racers? Get a Xbox360 controller or start playing GTR2/LFS/rFactor/Richard Burns Rally.
rohan30186 said:
Guys which gaming wheels to get...want to play NFS,GRID etc on it....

It should have vibrator...max budget 3.5K

Now this is sick. So u wanna drive around with a vibrator up ur god knows wat.......:S *alrite the flame....end of joke*
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