Gaming with Intel E5200 + 4850

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My cousin has a e5200 stock hsf + giga g31m-es2l + 4gb trans ddr2-800 + giga 4850 oc 1gb + sam 2033sw.

He runs at stock speed. I tried to convince him to oc his proc. We went to 3G ( 240x12.5 ). Ran Far Cry 2 benchmark - on low, high & ultrahigh. Diff in frame rates was about 1 ( yes, one ). I felt stupid.

Was I doing something wrong, or : when does cpu speed really influence fps ?

btw : does f10 alone save bios settings on a giga g31m-es2l ? We had to save the bios with f11 and then use f10 for the settings to save.
PoBoy said:
My cousin has a e5200 stock hsf + giga g31m-es2l + 4gb trans ddr2-800 + giga 4850 oc 1gb + sam 2033sw.

He runs at stock speed. I tried to convince him to oc his proc. We went to 3G ( 240x12.5 ). Ran Far Cry 2 benchmark - on low, high & ultrahigh. Diff in frame rates was about 1 ( yes, one ). I felt stupid.

Was I doing something wrong, or : when does cpu speed really influence fps ?

btw : does f10 alone save bios settings on a giga g31m-es2l ? We had to save the bios with f11 and then use f10 for the settings to save.

@ low resolution CPU speed makes a difference. However some games like GTA4, Flight simulator, STALKER series make use cpu significantly.

I got a difference of max 25 fps when i used 3800+ @ 2.5ghz and phenom 720 @ 2.8ghz stock.
PoBoy said:
We went to 3G ( 240x12.5 ). Ran Far Cry 2 benchmark - on low, high & ultrahigh. Diff in frame rates was about 1 ( yes, one ). I felt stupid.
Was I doing something wrong, or : when does cpu speed really influence fps ?
No you didn't do anything wrong. However if you want higher FPS differences to be displayed, you will need to OC the E5200 to at least 3.5GHz. Only then will it take complete advantage of HD4850.

BTW, why did you get a 1GB 4850?
I think u should try CPU-Z to see the actual speeds the proccy is running at.

If it is 3GHz and still u get a increase of 1 fps, there might be a driver conflict.

But first, Try other benchmarks like Crysis Warhead and 3DMark Vantage to see if u get any difference there. :cool2:
Checked with CPU-Z and Everest. Was quite surprised at result, that's why I posted query.

Can any one answer part two of the OP :
btw : does f10 alone save bios settings on a giga g31m-es2l ? We had to save the bios with f11 and then use f10 for the settings to save.

wondering if there is a prob with the mobo. Even HDD-USB copy seemed to take longer than I expected.

And, the caps on the mobo have slight markings with a black marker. The mobo looks abs new. But my cousin claims the markings are normally made when caps are being checked/tested one-by-one.
PoBoy said:
My cousin has a e5200 stock hsf + giga g31m-es2l + 4gb trans ddr2-800 + giga 4850 oc 1gb + sam 2033sw.

He runs at stock speed. I tried to convince him to oc his proc. We went to 3G ( 240x12.5 ). Ran Far Cry 2 benchmark - on low, high & ultrahigh. Diff in frame rates was about 1 ( yes, one ). I felt stupid.

Was I doing something wrong, or : when does cpu speed really influence fps ?

btw : does f10 alone save bios settings on a giga g31m-es2l ? We had to save the bios with f11 and then use f10 for the settings to save.

Lower the multiplier and reach the same speed with a higher FSB. FSB should affect performance a lot more than just overall clock speed.

I suggest this:-
Ctrl+F1 to unlock hidden options.
Lower multi. to 11, increase FSB to 300(your overall FSB, quad pumped[x4] will be 1200Mhz, and CPU overall will be clocked at 3300Mhz[3.3Ghz]), set ram ratio to 2.66(this will clock your RAM @ 800Mhz).
All of this should be possible w/o the need to touch voltages. You can test for stability and start pushing higher from here if you want (maybe 3.5Ghz on the processor and 900Mhz on the RAM).
Don't forget to lock PCI-E @ 100Mhz.

Also, use multiple games, and benchmarking software like 3D mark before and after to arrive at a conclusion.
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^^most E5200s are not stable beyond 290MHz FSB with stock really hates anything above or near 300MHz.
j1n M@tt said:
^^most E5200s are not stable beyond 290MHz FSB with stock really hates anything above or near 300MHz.

With regard to FSB, the motherboard will reach its limit before the processor does. It has little to do with the processor/HS at this low frequency and the Gigabyte G31s are good for about 1600(400) FSB.
Im running my own on 300(1200) 24x7 on stock HS, no rise in temps., with default voltages all round.
I've tried OCing around 4-5 E5200s till date, different revisions/stepping, and all have done beyond 319(1276) on the S2L/ES2L, so i assure you its not the processor. Im sure your chip can hit that FSB as well, if it can't its the motherboard and not the processor.
res is the culprit. Sam 2233 needs 1920*1080. At that res, the GPU is the one which is bottlenecked. CPU clcoks hardly matters.

To convince him, run 3dm 06 on stock and oced clocks. Surelly ull get bout 1k CPU score boost and bout 2~2.5k overall score boost if u reach atleast 3.3Ghz.
It will matter in benches but OP's brother wont notice a thing :rofl:

H@cKer said:
At higher resolution,its the gpu that matters more.To show the difference between stock and oc cpu.Benchmark with 3DMark
Someone please tell me, after ctrl-F1 & changing BIOS OC steeings :
btw : does f10 alone save bios settings on a giga g31m-es2l ? We had to save the bios with f11 and then use f10 for the settings to save.

The fps 'test' I did can be duplicated by anyone, maybe some of you can do that. And report.
My 4870 was giving 3D 06 score of 11.5k 3d marks on my older X2 4200+ oced to 2.5Ghz, and everythin same but on PII X4 unlocked to quad oced to 3.6ghz is giving me 18.5k 3d marks on same resolution and quality.
Rockfella said:
It wont make much difference in the games u playing @ that reso. Chuck OCing.

dOm1naTOr said:
res is the culprit. Sam 2233 needs 1920*1080. At that res, the GPU is the one which is bottlenecked. CPU clcoks hardly matters.
To convince him, run 3dm 06 on stock and oced clocks. Surelly ull get bout 1k CPU score boost and bout 2~2.5k overall score boost if u reach atleast 3.3Ghz.

That isn't a rule engraved in stone. You cannot ignore the game in question and its CPU:GPU bias ratio. More often then not this bias shifts to make up for the weaker links in a system. So if you're talking about high resolutions the CPU will make up for a weaker GPU if it can, and vice versa(+1 to dOm1naTOr's last post). As for lower resolutions:

To put things into perspective i just did a small test:-
Difference in frame rates(average) between E5200 @ stock (2.5 Ghz, 800Mhz FSB) and Overclocked (3.3Ghz, 1200Mhz FSB):

Before: 30 FPS. , After: 45 FPS

Tom Clancy's HAWX(DX9):-
Before: 120 FPS. , After: 180 FPS

RaceDriver GRID:-
Before: 45 FPS. , After: 55 FPS

Street Fighter IV:-
Before: 55-60 FPS, After: 60 FPS (Constant) [Think the game forces vsync, need to confirm)

Just to make things clear, all of this is at a resolution of 1024x768, to put the "at low res. CPU offloads all 3D processing to the GPU" out the window.
All eye candy on/maxed.

As you can see, all the above games show improvements, some more than others for obvious reasons, for eg, Prototype and HAWX, both CPU intensive, whereas SFIV shows a very small increase.

To elaborate further, ran 3D mark06 at the same resolution:-
Before: 10206
After: 12196
A 2k score improvement is huge comparatively, as expected the real world performance doesn't show such an improvment(comparatively), but you can in now way discount its effect. This isn't a query to which you can get an answer going by the book since every game engine utilizes resources differently.
This is the reason i asked OP to run multiple games. :)
Hope this helps clear any doubts.
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