Garage Sale

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Opening the thread for the purpose of itrader rating....this deal with ajmalred had been done long back but just got payment and done shipment.
Nimit said:
..I ma getting rid of my desktop and have disassembled an old laptop (for a TE member) if u need any parts...i will put them here..
Does that mean you have other stuff too?
I would be interested if there is a desktop DVD drive reader or writer or desktop IDE hard drive
Sayy...i had locked this thread and dont remember unlocking there some problem?
Anyways..i have updated the first post with revised (read lower) prices...pendrive is there packed in a carton...if u want fresher pix pls let me know.
Sony bookshelves (saw some replies earlier too).. Interested and looking for more info.. specifications.. and what amp were you driving it through ..
These were connected to sony hi-fi...for some odd reason my dad gifted that to my carpenter... but did not give the speakers....i dont know why he did that though.
most of the items are sold/gifted
will keep the thread for a few days if anyone is interested then close it
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