Gears of War for PC/Movie

I felt the same as one guy posted in the comments..

The Xbox version looked brown n had dull vegetation all over and hid under darkness for most part...The PC version looks green n detailed and does not hide in darkness in the trailers atleast...
:eek:hyeah: Great news man!!
@ yeh man its true. That brown thing was the theme color of the game and the background were dark due to lighting effects in animation.
Hope the power graphic cards available today are exploited to its best to get marvellous results. Not to forget DX10 :wink:
yeah saw the cliffy b interview....the GT chick was hot ;) .... and yeah the game looks like its gonna kick serious ass here..... i need to get my rig back in shape for coming onslaught of games this fall :)
Good news for the tons of PC gamers out there. :) I've already completed this on Xbox 360, 3 times in fact. It's a very addictive game, the combat is very satisfying and the enemies are great. It's one of those "can't put down" games, to be honest. :eek:hyeah:

Hopefully the game will play well on low end as well as high end PC's. I'm guessing a 7900 series GPU will handle it at pretty good graphical settings. However it'll probably work on most PCs with a decent GPU as long as you don't wanna game on insane resolutions with AA/AF turned on.

Hopefully I'll have a decent rig by the time this game hits. :) I can't play it anymore considering I've sold my 360, so I'll definitely be picking up a copy of this come Christmas.
rPOk said:
the GT chick was hot ;) ....

that chicks name is Amanda Mackey and she has every possible gaming console in the world, shud have seen her behind the scene interview back in the late 2004 where they showed her appartment which has 1 floor on top only for games
If only she was single:(
hmmm... I hear that DX10 is based off of the Xbox360 so...

I didn't really like the game for 360 to tell the truth, and I usally don't like the control setup on most ported games (DMC3, Biohazard4). We'll see...
well the guy in the demonstration video said that the control schemes being totally revamped for this baby.. theyre even gonna hve 2 types of schemes one with normal mouse and keyboard in wich while u play the game the appropriate keys will show up.. and another for the 360 controller where the appropriate buttons will show up... so i guess controls should definetly not be a problem...

the gfx looks awesome... cant wait for this one