Gentlemen help me buy a new rig!!

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Hi all,

I'm planning to upgrade my 7 year old machine with a new one.

So I need help of you guys in choosing the best within my budget.:)

So here I go:

1. Q: What is your budget?
1. 50K (Can stretch upto 55k max)

2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
1. CPU - AMD athlon XP 2000
2. Motherboard - Asus A7N266VM
3. GPU - nvidia GeForce 2 (onboard)
4. RAM - Hynix 512 DDR
5. Monitor - LG Studioworks 500G 15"
6. SMPS - Mercury??
7. Optical Drives : HP DVD writer,Samsung DVD ROM,Sony CD writer
8. Hard Disks: Segate 40G and Segate 160G 7200

3. Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
1. Keyboard and mouse
2. HP DVD writer
4. Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

I have decided on an i7 860 based PC.
So here is the list what I wanted to buy:
1. Core i7 860

2. Motherboard- Not decided (Not interested in SLI/XFIRE setup if I get a setup in my budget then well it would be fine.)

3. GPU- Not decided (looking to buy either MSI 5770 HAWK or GTX 260 216,open for suggestions)

4. 4G of RAM (possibly 1333MHz, kindly suggest some)

5. PSU- Looking for Corsair 450W (Kindly suggest something you guys feel more appropriate)

6. Cabby- NZXT Gamma (Suggestions??)

7.Monitor- 22 or 24 inches HD (looking for samsung or Dell,any other suggestions are welcome)

8.HD- Suggestions? (WD Black or Segate?)
5. Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Will not be upgrading for another year or so.

6. Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
1. Bangalore
2. Delhi (Can get a few components from there)

7. Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

8. Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
1. Gaming
2. Photo Editing (PS,LR and a bunch of other tools)
3. Watching HD movies
4. Video Encoding
5. Browsing
6. Desktop Processing

9. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

I don't have any brand preference but as pointed by many the problem with ASUS aftersales service, I would like to avoid it to some extent.

10. Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
1. FPS Mid/High setting
2. Racing Mid/High setting
3. TPS and strategy

(Basically I can play almost anything:ohyeah:, last game I played was Max payne 2 :ashamed:)

11. Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
1. Gaming - 1600 or above
2. Desktop - 1920 x 1080

12. Q: Are you looking to overclock?
Maybe in future

13. Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
1. Windows 7
2. Open Suse/Ubuntu
3. Win XP

So this is should be all, Please let me know if I have missed anything.

Gurus, please share some gyaan.:D

Hope to get some help.:hap2:

Components Description Price (INR)

Processor Core i-7 860 14500

Motherboard Gigabyte P-55 UD2/ Gigabyte H-55 UD2H 6200/6600

RAM 4(2*2GB) 1333MHz Corsair XMS3 DDRIII Kit 6400

HDD 1TB Seagate 7200.12 3900

GPU MSI HD5770 Hawk 1GB GDDR5 10200

Monitor Dell S2209W 22"/Benq G2420HD 24" 8500/10500

Cabinet NZXT Gamma 2000

PSU/SMPS Corsair VX450 3600

Total 55,300-57,700

Get the GPU, mobo and RAM from NP, Delhi as it would be cheaper to B'lore i guess. You can also consider the newer Thubans from AMD.

The PhenomII X6 1090T sells for 15k and on-par/beats the i-7 860 depending on the app. Chk out the reviews.
DarkAngel said:
Components Description Price (INR)
Processor Core i-7 860 14500
Motherboard Gigabyte P-55 UD2/ Gigabyte H-55 UD2H 6200/6600
RAM 4(2*2GB) 1333MHz Corsair XMS3 DDRIII Kit 6400
HDD 1TB Seagate 7200.12 3900
GPU MSI HD5770 Hawk 1GB GDDR5 10200
Monitor Dell S2209W 22"/Benq G2420HD 24" 8500/10500
Cabinet NZXT Gamma 2000
PSU/SMPS Corsair VX450 3600
Total 55,300-57,700

Get the GPU, mobo and RAM from NP, Delhi as it would be cheaper to B'lore i guess. You can also consider the newer Thubans from AMD.

The PhenomII X6 1090T sells for 15k and on-par/beats the i-7 860 depending on the app. Chk out the reviews.

Thanx for the prompt reply :)

Ok here is the situation now:
1.CPU- i7 860-Check!
2. HD- Segate- Check!
6.Monitor- Benq G2420HD check! (Btw any idea about E2420HD?,lookwise this one is much much better looking)
7.GPU-4770 HAWK Check! (btw is it worth going for 5850?? if yes then which make?)
8. Ok I have a doubt about MB, What is the diff bet P55 and H55?? Can you please shed some light on this. :S The advantages/disadvantages and all.

Thanks again mate!! I'm really thankful..
For gaming at medium settings HD5770 Hawk should do fine. For maxing out most games at HD resolution then a HD5850. For HD5850 consider Sapphire.

Chk the pic. Not much of difference btw the two. THe H-55 has lesser USB ports and Crossfire/SLI can't be done i guess. The H-55 mobos can utilize the inbuilt IGP of the newer core i-3, i-5 dual core Clarkdales.


Get the P-55 UD2 if it is available. But availability may be an issue. So if you cant find it the H-55 UD2H is fine. The UD2(Ultra durable 2) series from gigabyte has good build quality.
I'd say pick up a PII 1055T from SMC @ 10.5k and pair it with the cheapest 8xx chipset mobo (you'll have to wait for a few days for them to become available) and then you can get yourself a nice HD5850 instead.
DarkAngel said:
For gaming at medium settings HD5770 Hawk should do fine. For maxing out most games at HD resolution then a HD5850. For HD5850 consider Sapphire.

Chk the pic. Not much of difference btw the two. THe H-55 has lesser USB ports and Crossfire/SLI can't be done i guess. The H-55 mobos can utilize the inbuilt IGP of the newer core i-3, i-5 dual core Clarkdales.


Get the P-55 UD2 if it is available. But availability may be an issue. So if you cant find it the H-55 UD2H is fine. The UD2(Ultra durable 2) series from gigabyte has good build quality.

Oh thanks again for the quick clarification but since i will be buying a GFX card,is it recommended to go for H55?

Also I checked the P55 mobo (UD-2), it looks good but i have a few questions,
1. Can OC be done on this board?
2. Is this the same board? here
They say after installing GFX only one PCI is usable as the space for other will be taken by the gfx card.:huh:

Thanks for giving your time for the queries man! I really appreciate it..!:)

sid1712 said:
I'd say pick up a PII 1055T from SMC @ 10.5k and pair it with the cheapest 8xx chipset mobo (you'll have to wait for a few days for them to become available) and then you can get yourself a nice HD5850 instead.

Thanks dude but i would like to go with intel this time..:)
sh@sh! said:
Oh thanks again for the quick clarification but since i will be buying a GFX card,is it recommended to go for H55?

Also I checked the P55 mobo (UD-2), it looks good but i have a few questions,
1. Can OC be done on this board?
2. Is this the same board? here
They say after installing GFX only one PCI is usable as the space for other will be taken by the gfx card.:huh:

Thanks for giving your time for the queries man! I really appreciate it..!:)

Thanks dude but i would like to go with intel this time..:)

Yup the same board. If you find the board go for it. ya its good for O.C.
If you don't find it then go for the H-55 UD2H else post here and we can work out other options.
DarkAngel said:
Yup the same board. If you find the board go for it. ya its good for O.C.

If you don't find it then go for the H-55 UD2H else post here and we can work out other options.

What other options I have??:S

MSI-GD-65? Is it available? I have read it has lot of issues esp with O.C..

Oh btw angel, found this, how is this board? any comments on price and performance?

Ok a few price updates from my side, I went and inquired on SP road:

Prices without VAT:
i7 860- 13500
2x2G corsair 1333MHz -6600
Segate 1TB -3750
Benq G2420- 10850
MB GB UD2 and UD4 both not available. Other boards:
Corsair 450W-3600
MSI HAWK price i'll know by tomorrow, btw the dealer told that sapphire has better service then MSI (for 5770), is it true? coz designwise MSI HAWK is much better i feel.
Sapphire 5770-10200

Guys please help me choose over on a MB.
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