Get Free Sun OpenSolaris CD

Got Mine Yesterday.... :P

Have to Try it yet....:D

Just put into my Drive yesterday and tried booting, Getting Some errors... :(

Have to have a look at them today...:D
The package management on opensolaris is horrible, with funny non-intuitive names for various packages. That said, the default gnome theme is pretty sharp (looks mac-like). Apart from ZFS I don't see any reason to use opensolaris, pretty much everything else is available in any linux distribution of your choice.
Yes, I mean what's the reason Sun Microsystems is investing so much money developing this OS? There are many excellent Linux distributions available for free, who is going to use this? BTW, is this to be used at home or on a server?
Yes, I mean what's the reason Sun Microsystems is investing so much money developing this OS? There are many excellent Linux distributions available for free, who is going to use this? BTW, is this to be used at home or on a server?

They're actually being quite clever. While most of the meat of OpenSolaris seems to consist of GPL or FOSS applications (Gnome, Firefox etc), the killer parts are still licensed under the non-GPL compatible CDDL License. In other words, stuff like ZFS (Zettabyte Filesystem) and Dtrace (tracing utility, which can be used to locate performance bottlenecks in complex applications) which are the best things in Solaris can never become a part of mainstream Linux distributions until they change the licensing to become compatible with GPL. This would ensure that opensolaris is always differentiated from linux. That said, IMHO, opensolaris would make an excellent server OS for very large storage capacities and multi-tiered complex applications.
Solaris works well with T2000, V880, v440 ultrasparcs. It has its own architecture and the best part is we will miss out OBP commands if installed in windows X86 or X64 intel box. Also it has its own keyboard and the mouse connected to the KB.

The CD that is sent to us has limited apps and services where as if we download, the size will be over 2 GB for the ISO files. Its better to download than to order the CD's to get full advantage of the O/S.