Graphic Cards Get it now: Free Portal : only for nVidia card owners

For a limited time, FREE copy of Portal: First Slice is available for Nvidia gfx card users.

Go, get it here :D
Portal: First Slice is free for all NVIDIA Gamers

PS: Mods this is a duplicate of one thread that I started in gaming section. My sole intention is to attract as much as eyeballs to this news. Of course for the benefit of TE members. If you feel it's spamming, mods can delete this thread
m47r1m said:
Its a demo before people start creaming thier pants in excitement.

Demo for free. Who would have dreamed it?

Yep its a demo... but do we have Portal demo available anywhere else? :bleh:
Hmmmm... indeed there are some issues with Steam. It's a 6GB file so for anybody on a connection <512kbps it's useless to even try unless they have are epitome of patience.

But even those who have a good connection, it seems to be a frustrating experience. For now Steam servers dishing these demos are reeling under heavy traffic. I have never downloaded anything from steam but i think this sort of traffic must be exception and not usual. Anyways for now I am getting an error saying servers are too busy so i should try and download these games later :mad: