Get e-mail address ... Hurry !


Insanely Awesome!!
Looks like Christmas has come early for those Windows Live users who haven't got an email address yet. PicturePan2, the "unofficial LiveSide correspondent for China" has just posted a new way to register the Windows Live email address of your choice, provided you have Firefox or Opera installed. (You can use the nifty portable Firefox if you don't wish to install another browser.)
Visit Windows Live Custom Domains
Choose "Get Started" then type in a domain of your choice eg "", and press "Continue"
Choose "Create a new Windows Live ID in your domain" then press "Continue"
In Firefox, go to "View - Page Style - No style"
Now select the domain from the drop down menu
Important: To be able to receive emails to this account, you must login to with your new email address to activate it

Pictures can be found over at source.

Note1: This could stop working at any time and most likely will do.
Note2: As was stated after the last hack, you risk losing your email address if you abuse the signup for spam purposes. However it was confirmed that regular users are safe.

It worked for me ... hurry before it's fixed ... reps are welcome :D

LiveSide - News blog : Windows Live email addresses - Part 3
yaar select > Use a domain I already own and put and continue, then select > Create a new Windows Live ID in your domain then continue and fill up the form ... looks like it still works ... btw i'm using opera , if it helps :)
YES! it IS working! cool enough! ..better hurry up till they are oblivious of this snag.. ;)

thnx xfactor!

oww.. gotta spread some reps around..
Hey, it worked for me and I got a email id :hap2:

I had already converted my hotmail inbox to 2gb using one of the various 'methods' posted on the internet. Now I got another one, not to mention GMail.

Thanks a lot for the tip!
thexfactor said:
yaar select > Use a domain I already own and put and continue, then select > Create a new Windows Live ID in your domain then continue and fill up the form ... looks like it still works ... btw i'm using opera , if it helps :)

oh.. :ashamed: well .. worked now.. :)

Edit: Must spread some reps around....
mohit said:
btw what can i do with the id ????????

Same thing you can do with your msn/hotmail/passport id , just that since it's not yet officially launched you have a better chance of getting desired usernames, also it's 2gb account from the outset :)
Google said:
when i 'log in' in it says " '' does not support this account type" what did i do wrong?:huh:

Ya well the same thing occurred when i was creating a second account for my friend. :ashamed:

I reverted back by signing out. Then,

1> Resorted to start again from the initial point.

2> Entered a different domain name.

3> Checked the username-availability primarily on the registration page!! :bleh:

4> At the place of entering 'email address' at LIVE ID i put in my gmail address.

5> And for secondary email inserted my rediffmail one. (Well in previous case i had typed the same in both places.)

And, yep, its working damn fine now! ;) ..err and frankly I havent still got what could have gone wrong in the first case. * rigorous head-scratching *
We are working to fix a temporary problem with our sign-up service.

Please try again.

If you continue to get this error try again later.

How do i know if i have successfully created my live id.

I made two accounts with two different email address ( one gmail and one yahoo) but still didnt get my live id.

It sends me to change the dns page??

This is so confusing :(
Yes but with the gmail and yahoo accounts not my windows live id, after i login with those accounts what am i supposed to do???

Those accounts have been activated also but its the gmail and yahoo accounts not my windows live ID.

Whats the relation between those 2 accounts and my windows live ID.