Get Paid to Search the net? - proof of payment

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I just got this from a friend of mine who got paid by netbux,when it first came out i thought it was a scam but when i saw this from my friend i got really surprised.

I dont know if this is for everyone and i dont know how long it will last.

all you need to do is register at netbux and at stormpay (the fee is high but no other option) and seacrh 40 times a day,40 searches a day is nothing,well at least for me.

I am using it now on a daily basis & will update you when i reach my payment day

anyways here is it
Well they say they pay by check according to register now, although then one can expect some spam via post :P

Well after some preliminary research it is most probably fake.

All the scrshots floating around are told to be fake so that people sign up under their referrals.
Grease Monk said:
lol nice read, the scammers had bad luck indeed! serves them right :D
MaxX said:
Albert I hope next time before posting stuff like this, u research about it a bit

Thnx for the tip mate,i would do my greatest effort before posting "stuff like this"

yeh i am gonna open a research lab,sure mate sure.

I was hoping to scam the hole of TE,oh well maybe next time..
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