Get Tata NANO Merchandise for free (Cross all 24 Levels- Really Tough)

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[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Get Tata nano Merchandises for free (Cross all 24 Levels- Really Tough)[/font]


After level 10, you really need to struggle to clear the levels.

Posting this deal, as this is one of the freebies where actually you need to stress out yourself to get something for free.

Enjoy the game and win Nano merchandise
can you tell me about game ? little game play etc

It's a strategic game, you have to guide the Nano car to the final destination with no other car in between (Traffic)

After Level 13, the puzzles are really tough...

What levels have you guys reached ?

M stuck at level 15 at present
Stuck at level 16...

Can I save it and play from 16 later??

Now i am stuck on 18...

Okk... just cleared 18!!

Now stuck at 20!!
Just cleared 23 and took a screenshot for others.

Should have done this for other levels but I never thought it would be that tough!


Don't even ask me how bad 24 is... NIGHTMARE!!!
problem solve after 1 hour i already won at last level 25 and i already fill my address and will waiting for the prize soon
still on 24!!

Okk... Just did 24.
Here's the screenshot:


Finally, finished it. Never thought it would take that long!

Sorry, couldn't save the screenie for Level 25. But it is not difficult. Could do it on the first round itself.


Thanx #rocker123 Even if I don't get the merchandise, it was fun playing the game.
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