Get well soon Bikeinstein !!!

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Bikey.....Master of Smileys...!!!

Good to hear that he is recovering well....:hap2:

Hope tat the recovers pretty soon and starts filling TE up with Smileys(Joy
) again....:D

:missyou: ...Hope to See U bck Soonn....:D
Just bumping up this old topic to let all in on the latest.
I spoke to Rishi on Saturday.
Seems like his situation is gone into some sort of an endless loop.

The time he seems to be getting better...something happens and he gets the mysterious fever of his back.

Last I visited him with Aces, he was much much better than what I had seen him in hospital before.

Unfortunately, I donot have the time right now due to excessive assignments and coll workload to go pay him a visit.
However, if someone does go and visit him, kindly do post the update here.

As far as talking to him and sending him smses go...well i think that can be done...but to all those who call him...please try to hang up early so as to not exhaust him.

I'd called him yesterday. Couldn't speak for long as he had just taken his medicines, and was feeling sleepy.
Last week, he seemed quite well, and was saying he would be discharged in a couple of days. But now he's unwell again :( I can't understand what the problem is.
well...thats something which is really puzzling...
He is in the hospital.
The other day when i was there the sister came to check his bp and well it was perfectly normal.
So was the temperature.
However, whenever he comes close to the point of being discharged, he falls ill again.
Something is wrong here...i aint no doc...but many relapses??? there has to be something wrong in the diagnosis for sure.
weird :S.... er anyone in mumbai ready to investigate ? :P

i miss his posts, hope he gets out his 'loop' soon...

get well soon bikey :)
:'( :cry: :'( :cry:

terrible news I can handle my pain that is child's play now

but can't handle Bikey's pain

please get well soon buddy please get well soon

I miss you a lot :'( :cry: :'( :cry:
Get well soon M8 and hope you will enjoy this Valentine day not in Garden but at least on Phone with Smiles on Face and lot of love in heart for ever!
this turns out to be a sad part on bikeys life.

looks like he has multiple implants in his body and looks like they are causing chronic infection in his body. but may be because of weakness of the bones they cant be removed off the body.

there may be some other source too. without reports and details i cant guess more.

anyways convey my best regards to him and wish him a speedy and complete recovery.
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