Getting 200+ KB/s speeds on MTNL !!!


Sun 31st Dec 7.26pm. (Mumbai) .

Invalid login at the MTNL site but 200+KB/s d/l speeds since the last hour !

TEF was off line, wanted to report this earlier.

Check it out.
Boy you sure are going to eat up those 400mb quicker than you think you will on 200kB+.

Anyways, be careful on that part and congrats! Its a nice New Year gift to us broadband cravers.
i am still getting elevated speeds on NU :S

At this moment its downloading at 198KBps. I guess i will enjoy while its there :p
Yep, just checked e-mail from MTNL ( which I otherwise never do ).

We, with great pleasure ,also inform you that we will start upgrading the speed from 256 Kbps to 2 Mbps for all plans (except Night unlimited and Time based plan) from 1st January and the exercise is expected to be completed by 10th January . This speed up-gradation is without any extra charge. Those customers, who already have 2 Mbps plans and want to migrate to lower plans, may do so by requesting plan change as per their requirement.

Usage for Dec not yet available at the site. Logon OK now.
I still have a very fast connection.

Funny, never seems enough. Moved from 56 dial-up to 128 local network to 256 DSL to 2048 DSL, after a few days the thrill is gone.
Check this Ad....

But as of now its of no use for me......:mad: :mad: coz me on a TriB 590 NU Plan and speeds of NU Plan havnt been increased....:mad: while speeds of all others have been increased to 2Mbps(Except TriB T10)...

Check the Latest Tariffs here....:)

MTNL Triband

Funky said:
Well had fun for 3 days anyway :p

Damn I guess My badluck is too goood...:mad: I was out of town for those three dayz and missed those speeeds....:(

Hope tat MTNL guys apply the 2mbps scheme to the NU plan also.....plzz...:cool1:
What a shame...MTNL is worse than BSNL. With bsnl, you atleast have Night unlimited option with 2mbps. Whats the use of a 2Mbps connection that has caps like 400Mb,1Gb and 2Gb.

With situations like this India can never have true internet experience even after 5 years

.BTW, how can you MTNL subscribers sit silent, fire up emails to MTNL higher ups and newspapers telling about the fraud band thats happening.Mr Moron's words "Good bye to 256kbps" doesnt actually happen except to those limited plans where speeds hardly matters, whether it be 256k or 2Mbps
cyrux said:
Whats the use of a 2Mbps connection that has caps like 400Mb,1Gb and 2Gb.
With More Speeds U are assured tat Ur usage limit wud get reduced faster....:tongue:

Will surely have to take up this matter...:mad:
Just checked usage for Dec '06. Usage for 31st Dec is not listed at all ! Dec total usage is from 1st to 30th, so whatever you did on 31st at 2 Mbps is free. Usage for Jan '07 does not have carry-over from Dec, so far at least.