41-50k Getting laptop from US, please assist.

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Tech Addict
Friend going On-Site, asked to bring a Laptop. Please advise.
  • What's your Budget? -- Maximum $750 (lesser the better)
  • What will be your primary usage for the notebook be? -- I'm a web developer, and do occasional programming in Java, use lots of IDEs, and do video editing too. I don't game much on laptop, but occasionally if the horsepower allows then that would be great! I'm also an amateur photographer, and use Lightroom and PS a lot.. so display needs to be high res, and should display colors accurately.
  • What size and weight considerations do you have? -- Size not at issue, don't want to go less than 14", 17" will also do.
  • Any brand that you prefer, or any brand that you detest? -- Any brand except Lenovo and Samsung
  • Any other considerations? -- Decent Battery Life, Expandable HDD (If I want to add SSD, my PCs SSD has spoiled me! ), Loads of RAM, and decent horsepower to drive my development environments. (Core i7 if budget allows) finally a High res LED. Also if the laptop has international warranty that would be awesome.
I know I'm asking a lot :) Also suggest a site from where I can order the machine.
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