PC Peripherals GFX & PSU under 3-4k


Hey, I'm still stuck with my old PC, i.e., AMD Athlon 64 3000+ and a ASUS A8N-e

My GPU and PSU got fried recently due to electrical problems.I had a Zebronics 7300GT 512MB GDDR2 (350Mhz Core/250Mhz Mem) and a i-Ball 400 Watt PSU.

I need another GPU and a PSU. I'm not going to be able to spend on a new PC now because of problems and I want to spend less on these two things (3-4K) because I'm saving for my later major upgrade. I'm looking for a GPU which will not bottleneck my CPU (as the 7300GT did), and a PSU which will be sturdy (since my last one began giving me serious power related issues). I have not kept myself updated online about hardware, so I don't know where to begin. Please help.

Please give me as many choices as you can about the available models. My major work is 3d Animation and gaming, in order of importance.

The GFX card could either be a ATI or a NVIDIA, although my mobo has a nVidia chipset (dunno if that makes any difference :S) I'm planning to buy from Lamington Road, probably at Prime ABGB. If you know any specific shops which you trust completely, then please advice. Thanks a lot! :D
If you wish to upgrade everything later and to sell your rig, then don't spend much on the current config. Buy a 500W el cheapo PSU + Palit GF 7200GS 256MB DDR-II (1265/- on lynx). Otherwise, you can get a good PSU as Gigabyte Superb 460W (~2.2k) and then a card like 8400 GTS (though it may bottleneck your pc as 7300 did).

All depend on your plan to upgrade. If you provide the components you are willing to get when you upgrade, it would be easy to give the best suggestion :)
I will definitely be looking out for the Gigabyte Superb 460Watts on my next visit to Lamington. :)

Um...I guess I framed the sentence wrongly, what I meant was that the GPU was slower than expected, and I would definitely prefer a faster GFX card. Something that would still fall in budget.

And how much would the Gigabyte Superb 460 be for.

P.S. - I don't plan to carry on any parts from this rig to my next. I have separate budget for the next upgrade, but I need a new GPU and PSU for this one for the time being so that I can continue studying. :D
Just did a little bit of scavenging and got a few names. How about a 3450 or a 9400GT or something like that? Just my two cents, but I really want your suggestions.
Gigabyte 460 is only available from Lynx, not yet in lammy. See if you can manage a 8600GT DDR3 ( 256MB / 512MB) .. 512MB costs around 3.1-3.5k. Or better get an used one from TE market section.
Get an 8600GT coupled with the best PSU you can get for the remainder. Even a generic 450W will power it fine for a while. though i recommend adding a few hundred and getting something like a zebronics pro/VIP 400W
9500gt + VIP SILVER 500w ~4.5k
I think it might bottlenect ur CPU......any 8500gt+ card will be a bottleneck for ur system.


get a good PSU now....cx 400 + 8400gt if u really want a Gfx.
CX 400 for a 9400GT/9500GT is overkill.

9400GT itself costs 1k less than the CX, and its a sub 50W card. And CX 400 can even power a 200W card.:D

btw, A8NE is a gr8 ocable mobo, and so is the Athlon 64 3000+. You can easily do 2.8Ghz+ from 1.8Ghz on it. But try it only after getting a good PSU.
Go for the ATI Radeon HD4550. Unlike nVidia which has started to rebrand its old series with the names from the new series and selling as a whole new cards, ATI has everything new in the new series and is a great performer. You can get the 4550 for under 3k. Get the Corsair VX450. It is a great PSU at a great price. If you plan to get your new PC soon and are going to use this PC for just some basic tasks then get any cheapo PSU and it should suffice ‘cos it won’t be running at full capacity then and won’t stress the PSU.
ajey255 said:
How much for the VIP 400W?

Costs Rs 1150/- @ Primeabgb and Kunhar. It is a very good PSU for the price you pay. A nice, practical bridge between the el-cheapos and the 2.5 K + range.