CPU/Mobo Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD3R-B3 bootloop

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Well am facing a list of issues with this motherboard now :
1.Bootloop : I press the power button , the LEDs light up on mobo and gfx card and the fans start . Then it stays like that for 1-2 seconds then shutdowns . This happens like 2-5times when I start the PC .
2. SATA 3 : I have a OCZ Solid 3 SATA 3 SSD , I recently checked that it is being read as SATA 2 and givings speeds of SATA 2 as well .
3. RAM : The corsair XMS3 RAM give BSOD when put to "XMS" profile . But run fine @ 1600mhz if the BUS and CLOCKS are set manually from BIOS.
Note: All the BIOS and firmware is updated .Processor OCed @4.2Ghz . PSU had been RMAed once just to be sure and the PSU passes the paper clip test . And no problem persists if the PC is put through load.

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