Linux Gimp 2.5 : Reaching New Heights.

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Dark Star

The GIMP team announced today the first release from the 2.5 development series.

New Features : -

The most notable change in GIMP 2.5 happened under the hood. The color tools in GIMP have been ported to GEGL. This does not yet have much impact on the user experience but it is a first and important step forward. With full GEGL integration GIMP will finally get support for higher color depths, more color spaces and eventually non-destructive editing.

With the help of the UI team, the Toolbox menu has been merged into the image window. GIMP now always keeps an image window open and the default configuration treats the toolbox and docks as utility windows.

An often requested tool for simple polygonal selections has been added and work has started to improve the text tool. Please see the NEWS file on for a more detailed list of changes.

Download : GIMP - Downloads
Development : GIMP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^ This is the 1'st development release with GEGL interface.. It will take a few more time to make better interface :) So just wait for Gimp 2.6 :drool2:
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