Linux Gimp for Beginners Part 1

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Dark Star


This is the first part of The Gimp beginner series I am writing for LFY. The first part consist of user Interface introduction. So download the pdf and get started with Gimp.
The article is aimed for users starting to learn Gimp. The intermediate/high level tutorial will follow in the later segment of the series once we get through the basics. The 1'st part was published in the July issue.


The licensing of the article is Creative Commons — Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Download the pdf's

I will upload more pdf's once you read this one. The series will contain more than 10 tutorials , so stay tuned for more. The LFY has published the second series of article so if you want to read it get the August issue :P
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wow heh nice stuff.... now i should buy a digicam and play around with photos and what not...
Hey thanks a lot! I used to think GIMP was Linux only... Now that I know it's not, I'll be downloading and playing with it soon enough. :D
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