Guide Girder and USBUIRT - Quickstart

With M$ pushing MCE big time, the role of the PC as a media center is generating lots of interest. The main features of MCE include time-shift TV, unattended recordings, and of course, the remote. But you don’t have to be stuck with microsucks to get all these features. Most TV-tuners have software which support time-shifting, or you can use third-party software. But that’s for another thread.

This guide is about controlling for PC through your remote. Any remote. Heres the list of things you’ll need.

2. Girder
3. Any IR Remote



The USB-UIRT is a USB version of the now-notorious UIRT (stands for Universal Infrared Receiver Transmitter). The USB version offers a simple plug-and-play solution without having to deal with some of the hassles of the classic serial-port (RS-232) version.


The USB-UIRT, along with Automation Software such as Girder, allows your PC to both Receive and Transmit infrared signals -- exactly like those used by the collection of remote controls you've acquired for your TV, VCR, Audio System, etc. The USB-UIRT can:

- Receive signals from the remote controls you already have (allowing your PC to perform actions when the 'Play' button is pressed on your VCR remote, for example)

- 'Learn' from remotes you already have and Transmit a duplicate of these signals from your PC (for example, your PC could automatically turn ON your VCR and tune it to channel 3)

- Use codes available from the Web for other remotes (such as the Philips Pronto) to control all of your equipment with Remote (IR) receivers (including special 'discrete' remote codes your brand-name remote doesn't include!). For example, the USB-UIRT could transmit the discrete 'Input 3' code to your TV to directly switch it to input 3, rather than cycling through all of the inputs.

This, of course, if you want to use an IR remote. You can also use RF or Bluetooth or anything else that fancies your mind, just as long as there’s a girder plug-in for it.

Girder is the most powerful and feature rich Windows automation tool available. Girder controls programs like WinAmp and Windows Media Player using infrared and wireless remote controls so you can sit back and enjoy your digital library from your couch. In Home Theater PC's, Girder controls Windows programs (media/DVD players) and hardware devices (sound cards, X10 and serial devices such as projectors, and receivers). Girder is the behind the scenes glue providing full control of your multimedia experience.
And you’ll also need the usb-uirt drivers, and girder plugin. Available here –

So, now you can plugin the usb-uirt. The found new hardware wizard will popup. Point it to the drivers you downloaded. Then, install girder. Put the usb-uirt plugin in the girder plugins folder.

Fire up girder :hap2:

Go to file >> settings first. First up is the general tab.

First setting is which gml-file so be loaded with girder. Girder stores its info in gml files.
Rest on the options are quite self explanatory. You can keep them the way I’ve done.

Then go to the plugins tab. Select the usb-uirt plugin.

Now to do the fun stuff. Girder is divided into 3 basic parts. On the left is the commands panel. On the right, is the input section on the top and events section at the bottom. ( These are my names, so any documentation may call them differently.)

Heres the basic approach for girder. Create a new command, assign it to an event, and give it a trigger input.

Lets start by something basic, like volume control. Right click in the command panel, and select ‘add command’. You will get a “new command”. Now to assign it an event.

The volume control event is located in the OS tab.

On clicking the “volume” button, this window pops up. Select the master-volume for your sound card.

The step size decides how much the volume changes for each button press. I found the default 2621 setting to be fine. Click on "apply". This is the most important step. The girder documentation mentions that the cause for maximum errors is that users forget to click on the apply button.

Now to assign a trigger to this command. Click on “Learn event”, and press a button on your remote. The IR code for this button should appear. You need to mention the antirepeat wait time. About 200ms should do.

After this, create another command, for lowering the volume. Give it a negative step, such as "-2621".

Controlling foobar.

Take the easy way out. Google "girder foobar group". Download the gml file and load it up. The commands are already created. You just have to assign them to remote buttons.

Njoy. :hap2:
Awesome Thing dude.... now It is time for me to get a IR adapter and get going... :D

Dude.. any idea how much the entire set-up is going to cost me??
You only need to buy an IR reciever. ( one that is supported by girder ). You can use any old remote lying around your house.
Ohh, maybe you should buy girder as well. But then, that's just software....;)
Yeah... Girder is just software...Not an issue with that.. I need to get hold of an IR receiver...

Did you try it on your system BTW??