GlacialPower GP-AL650AA 650 W Power Supply Review | Hardware SecretsWe were absolutely impressed by GlacialPower GP-AL650AA, especially since it comes from a not so well-known company. It can deliver its labeled power at 48º C and was one of the few units we tested to date to surpass the 90% efficiency mark! Ripple and noise levels were also at very good numbers. Even though it has a very Spartan looks, GlacialPower GP-AL650AA has nothing to do with other units around with simple looks that simply explode if you try to pull its full labeled power or that present mediocre efficiency.
Now GlacialPower needs to invest in marketing to make sure people will know they have good products. And by “marketing†we don’t mean “advertisingâ€, but simply the ability to bring this product to a wider market.
PS : At last, GP AL650 was reviewed by most reliable site, and the performance is very good. GP AL650 has been a debated PSU in TE, couple of months ago, one of TE User was blindly recommending it @ 4.4k over Corsair VX450W. I'd like to hear prices & availability of same from TE Distris, if any distris have same PSU in stocks, Plz send it to TE for review..