Gmail Priority Inbox

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Get through your email faster

Email is great, except when there’s too much of it. Priority Inbox automatically identifies your important email and separates it out from everything else, so you can focus on what really matters.

Checked it out yesterday. Do i really need Google to priortize my mails? NO. I dont want them to collect more data from ID than they are already doing. I know its a simple Algo based on the mails you reply/read often but why would anyone track that apart from me. I dont want them to find out patterns and dish out Ads to me based on that.
apextwin146 said:
Checked it out yesterday. Do i really need Google to priortize my mails? NO. I dont want them to collect more data from ID than they are already doing. I know its a simple Algo based on the mails you reply/read often but why would anyone track that apart from me. I dont want them to find out patterns and dish out Ads to me based on that.

Its a great feature which would reduce clutter for heavy email users like me. I am waiting for its roll out on Google Apps, so i can start using it
I personally use 'Rules' in my mailbox. I make Rules point to specified folders. So when i check my mailbox all my mail from different rules is in different Folders already.Based on the priority i check the folders and respond etc. There is no invasion of privacy this way.
Rules can correspond to mailing list,user groups, ind users, subject tag lines basically it can recoganise any pattern in the Header/Body.
I am no way saying that this is a useless feature. Its a great feature but at what cost?
Nicely explained.. :P
Google Rocks!
apextwin146 said:
Checked it out yesterday. Do i really need Google to priortize my mails? NO. I dont want them to collect more data from ID than they are already doing. I know its a simple Algo based on the mails you reply/read often but why would anyone track that apart from me. I dont want them to find out patterns and dish out Ads to me based on that.
Hmm good point. But as you said its just a simple Algo based on the mails you reply/read often. So I don't think you need to worry about anything. Oh BTW I use Gmail 2.x - remove ads and widen message body | script, so need for me to worry about ads.. :P
Thats the problem. you actually need to worry about something here. Check the video. See how they scan your mail to find a pattern based on which they priortize your emails? Now one could argue that its done on the fly and that they are not saving any such details. But this would in turn beg the question that would they do this activity for every user every time he logs in etc. NO. They do store your mail patterns and preferences, thats how you are able to further improve this priorization buy the process explained in the Mail.
Anyways people who have senstive data on mails wudnt be using it anyways :| but the whole point it understanding how all of this is linked to Ads and Website Preferences which is the main revenue stream for Google.
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