GO : Sennheiser CX400 , in-ear earphones for < 1.8k

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This is the reason Robo and me have been irritated for the past 2 days :P. We have seen every possible deal, including the ebay ones. It's better to stay away from the ebay deals, as they have been slated to carry the most number of Sennheiser Fakes.
sTALKEr said:
^^ lol.. how?
the thing costs 29.99 usd.. that in itself is 29.99*48 = Rs 1440/-

You expect kmd to be doing this as a social service :P

Earlier it was $29.99... and now it's $22.99... so where's the $5 increase??

Instead there should be a lower quote from KMD :P
Holy........KMD where art thou ? 22.99 :(

It was 25+ earlier, then became 29.99 , now 22.99. It should be lower now , around 1450+Ship for 10+.
CX400 , 12 orders. anyone have KMD's number call him and ask him to order now plsssss :D It should be 1525-1550 + Ship now for 10+ :)
what will be the final price of the headphones i also need one.... give ne the last day and the last pricer and ill order one if i feel its the best.... infact i already feel its the best so ill need oine
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