God of War Collection – Blu-ray Disc Compilation coming shortly

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Wah! Can hardly wait for GOW III! :(

Now this's a nice way of luring GOW addicts to try the game on the PS3! I expect the gfx to be notched up.
you predicted it spacey! :)

i'll buy this even if i dont have a PS3, LOL. that will be incentive enough for the PS3 to follow! :D
phoenix844884 said:
you predicted it spacey! :)

Actually i did it with the help of the survey :)

i'll buy this even if i dont have a PS3, LOL. that will be incentive enough for the PS3 to follow! :D

Same goes for me as well. I am gonna bury this game deep in my backyard and wil only take it out wen my ps arrives.

(hope they dont go in for a ps4 by then :P )

The game boxes' art have a huge value before they go platinum.

and needless to say.. this one well mite go platinum+.

I hope this GOW 1+2 isnt a time limited edition.
Gannu said:
Wah! Can hardly wait for GOW III! :(

Now this's a nice way of luring GOW addicts to try the game on the PS3! I expect the gfx to be notched up.

LOL, who needs luring. Its GOW we are talking about here. :P This collection will single handed boost PS3 sales by a considerable amount.
When this game comes out, I guaran-dam-tee that I'll have both the next generation consoles with me. :ohyeah:

I'll have enough dough by then to cash in on the PS3 & catch up on it's previous titles as well. God of War III is the only reason I would buy the PS3 in the first place, just like I did for the PS2 to play God of War I & II. :P
This is just the beginning. By this time some of you may have realized the smartness of Sony's strategy. By avoiding backward compatibility and at the same time by re-working the existing greatest PS2 hits collection in to PS3 readable formats [Blu-Ray, PSN], they are simply making more revenue. BC is just a money waster AFAIK. You can expect more hit PS2 titles in this way, specifically hit series like Final fantasy, MGS, Resident Evil, etc. Personally I'm hoping for a Ratchet & Clank and Legacy of Kain re-working :)
that was pretty obvious.
and the fact that the games wd be remastered to suit the high def displaying units, i think ppl wd be able to forgive sony.
They need to remaster MGS1,2,3 for the PS3.

And this is a 1-st day buy. 40$ for 720p GoW 1&2 on the same disk?! O____O
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