God of War: Collection Gameplay Footage

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When Sony announced they would be releasing God of War and God of War II in one package, many gamers became excited. With new features like Trophy support, the God of War: Collection went from just being a re-release of two awesome PS2 games, to one of the biggest PS3 releases of the year. On top of two great games, Sony is also including a demo of God of War III. Below, you’ll find the first gameplay footage from the collection. The game looks much cleaner that the original versions were.
Head over to the link for video, looking very crisp n sharp
God of War: Collection gameplay footage

The audio and video are very shitty. There is a huge stutter in both of them. The game looks stunning though, more aliased than the PS2 version. Can't wait for an HD footage.
Ethan_Hunt said:
The audio and video are very shitty. There is a huge stutter in both of them. The game looks stunning though, more aliased than the PS2 version. Can't wait for an HD footage.

Well those r the qualities of 1st gameplay footage :P
I hear this will retail around 1800 INR.

Good pricing I say. :)

PS: Panoramic sequences were what made me liked GOW so much. It will be great playing that on the PS3. :D
Ethan_Hunt said:
The audio and video are very shitty. There is a huge stutter in both of them. The game looks stunning though, more aliased than the PS2 version. Can't wait for an HD footage.

I guess you mean more Anti-aliased :P
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