Godfather 2 PC Reveiw

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Godfather 2 PC got only 4.5 in gamespot while in metacritic it is getting around 70 based other 6 reviews from pcgamer,ign,gamezone etc (gamespot review not listed in metacritic yet).

Anyone from TE get hands on this game ?
I got it...and deleted it after 30 mins....Gameplay is decent, nothing special, graphics are very bad...honestly the first godfather i played for the ps2 had better gfx...weak story line....Some ppl may like the "dons view" but i think it makes the game feel rts-ish...Didnt like it at all...cars look like boxes on wheels. Played at the highest setings and max aa
amitash said:
I got it...and deleted it after 30 mins....Gameplay is decent, nothing special, graphics are very bad...honestly the first godfather i played for the ps2 had better gfx...weak story line....Some ppl may like the "dons view" but i think it makes the game feel rts-ish...Didnt like it at all...cars look like boxes on wheels. Played at the highest setings and max aa

huh, though some textures were not good considering this is a cross-platform title, but the game still had pretty decent graphics at 1680 x 1050 AA on and every setting maxed including the Shader's, One thing to note is that if you select the overall graphics settings as high, the Shader settings goes to only medium. I had to change it to custom setting and manually changed it to high.

Its a tonne better than GTA 4 graphics and God Father 1 is no comparison to this. The character models during conversions are pretty realistic like in Mass Effect. The smoke and explosion effects are superbly done, however the aftermath of the explosion is a letdown. Cars were also pretty decent, if not the best.

If I judge GTA 4 graphics by your standards. It would not even deserve a glance.
Lord Nemesis said:
huh, though some textures were not good considering this is a cross-platform title, but the game still had pretty decent graphics at 1680 x 1050 AA on and every setting maxed including the Shader's, One thing to note is that if you select the overall graphics settings as high, the Shader settings goes to only medium. I had to change it to custom setting and manually changed it to high.

Its a tonne better than GTA 4 graphics and God Father 1 is no comparison to this. The character models during conversions are pretty realistic like in Mass Effect. The smoke and explosion effects are superbly done, however the aftermath of the explosion is a letdown. Cars were also pretty decent, if not the best.

If I judge GTA 4 graphics by your standards. It would not even deserve a glance.

Thanks for clearing up. how will u rate the game in a scale of 5?
I got the game...need to install and play..will report back by tomorrow, but I would trust Lord Nemesis's comment.
satyanjoy said:
Thanks for clearing up. how will u rate the game in a scale of 5?

I haven't completed the game, but I have played for a few hours today and I would rate it about 7.5/10, its not the best of games, but still a decent time pass. People who liked liked the previous godfather game will like this one quite well. Many game play elements are similar to the previous game with a number of improvements. Some of the improvements like hiring your own men, promoting them, having to pay the guards every day etc make the game more realistic.

Also a note for anyone who want's to give this game a try. This game has topless girls (prostitutes and strip teasers), by topless, I mean topless in the proper sense and not a see through dress or something and most of the detail is clearly visible and its not like you can avoid them. The game requires you to take control of prostitution rings and that's where these girls are found in abundance. so if you live with your parents/family, take care. btw, LOL at all the perverts who's going to grab this game for this reason. :P
^ lol good question

so will tried out the games if is diffuser setting so nevermore i can tried hard

cause i never use cheatcode :lol:
topless girls (prostitutes and strip teasers), by topless, I mean topless in the proper sense and not a see through dress or something and most of the detail is clearly visible and its not like you can avoid them. The game requires you to take control of prostitution rings

:rolleyes: now thats interesting- I mean the controlling part.the mix of management and action makes this game interesting.

@Lord Nemesis: you can write a full review of the game once you completed-I am getting bored of reading gamespot's review-need some realistic yet simple and yet fun to read reviews.Gaming is all for Fun- its not an exam or status symbol so lets keep it that way
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