Good Books

Post your favourite books which u have read or heard.. I cant waste my itme in library searching for nice ones..

I have started reading Dan Brown(Davincicode),Sidney Sheldon and Agatha Christie recently.. Any other suggestions..
Here r some good authors, sorted by genre...

Fantasy: Tolkien, Robert Jordan

Sci-Fi: Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark

Gen.Fict: Jeffrey Archer (especially his short stories), Colin Forbes

Humor: P.G. Wodehouse, Terry Pratchett

If these are heavy going. try Bill Watterson's (Calvin n Hobbes) comics ... Happy reading :hap2:
Three men in a boat - Jerome K Jerome
Pickwick papers - Charles Dickens
Twist in the tale - Jeffery Archer
A Quiver full of arrows - Jeffery Archer
Day of the Jackal - Frederick Forsythe
And then there were none - Agatha Christie
Something Fresh - PG Wodehouse
Leave it to Psmith - PG Wodehouse

These are all good ones :)
Robert Ludlum-The Bourne Identity :hap2:
Mario Puzo-The Godfather:D
Robert Ludlum-The Janson Directive
Fredrick Forsyth-The Day of the Jackal
Fredrick Forsyth-The Odessa File
Robert Ludlum-The Matarese Circle
The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R.Tolkien *****

The Silence of The Lambs - Thomas Harris (not for the weak hearted! )****

Godfather - Mario Puzo****

Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown*****

Harry potter series (5 parts till now) -- jk rowling
Sidney sheldon's
sherlock homes--sir author conan doyle
Miss marple and poirot -- agatha christe
Three investegators -- Sir alfred hitchcock
jeeves series -- pg wodehouse
cristmas carol -- charles dickens
12th night -- shakespeare

Also i used to read five findouters, famous five, secret seven and all those books by enid blyton while i was in primary class.
EnigmatriX said:
how come there isnt a ebook section here unlike ta

More often than not e-books are warez and we dont want any trouble... that thread would require constant monitoring.
However we can start a thread for e-books where only staff will post after checking the links. Of course the members will PM the staff bout the links they want to share.