Audio Good Headphone/Earphone for Jogging under 1.5K


Hi Guys,
I need a good Headphone/Earphone for jogging purpose and my budget is under 1.5k and may be extended to 2k. Currently I am using Sony MDR J10 for almost 3 years and now I want to change it for some good quality one. Please suggest the options.
How is it for continues wearing of more than 1 hour as I have never tried in-ear earphones. As most of the earphones give pain in the ear after continues wearing thats why I liked Sony MDR J10 type headphone as they don't give pain at all. And from where I can get PL30 for around 1K? Mediahome don't have it right now.
The M6 can only be worn over the ear which gets a bit getting used to while you can manage to plug the PL-30 directly if needed. However, the isolation/fit that M6 gives ear is much better than with the PL-30. Depending on the tips the M6 can have a bit harsh treble but otherwise its sound is also better than the PL30.
PL-30 is a bit fragile for rough usage like jogging etc , I would suggest the MEElectronics M6 for the same . A perfect over the ear fit best suited for jogging ,work outs and even the overall Sound quality is slightly better than PL-30 IMO. PL-30 wins over in soundstage and smoother midrange but the M6 has much better bass,treble and overall detailing .Get the M6.

If interested in checking some pictures and a detailed review of M6 , check this out .
Okay.. as per your replies I just ordered the M6 through for Rs.1200 plus Fiio L1 cable free. Altough I don't required the cable as i don't have ipod n will be using it with sansa clip but a free item will be a free item ;-). Now lets see when he will ship the earphone to let me check them out.
Thanks guys for helping me out in selecting the M6 IEM. Its really good.. great build quality, great sound. I am having no pain after wearing it for continuous time. When i used it just box opened, i thought what the hell is this, my clip's earphone are better than this, but after some hours of use it is now showing its worth. Details are clear, bass is perfect, more of it would ruin the other details. What i like more is its bulid quality, thanks for help me selecting m6 over pl30 as pl30's build quality is not good. Right now enjoying m6 and experimenting with different buds came with it.
^ I am glad you found the M6 to fit your requirements perfectly ! The build quality and cable is indeed top-notch :D.
saurabh4255 said:
Thanks guys for helping me out in selecting the M6 IEM. Its really good.. great build quality, great sound. I am having no pain after wearing it for continuous time. When i used it just box opened, i thought what the hell is this, my clip's earphone are better than this, but after some hours of use it is now showing its worth. Details are clear, bass is perfect, more of it would ruin the other details. What i like more is its bulid quality, thanks for help me selecting m6 over pl30 as pl30's build quality is not good. Right now enjoying m6 and experimenting with different buds came with it.
You could use them with foam tips if you have them from your earlier iem for better comfort. That was what worked best for me.
WTF, mediahome responded to your order? I placed an order for this last week, and I'm not getting payment details even after PMs\emails to him. sigh
@Chiron: This is my first IEM so i don't have foam buds so can't try them.

@Grease monk: First the person at Mediahome not replied to my mails but he did ship the product on time before changing the status to shipped. But they made a blunder to it, they shipped the pl11 model. So I had to ship it back on my cost and then they shipped the M6 to me. Try to call him on phone rather tham mailing him and one more think, they show that they are giving Fiio l1 cable free with it but they are giving a simple chinese brand two way out 3.5mm cable with it. As i don't have ipod and not planing for it in future so thats ok for me as the cable they provided would be used by me in my car stereo.