O OinkBoink Contributor Feb 24, 2013 #1 Please do NOT post sub-standard Bollywood crap here. You can post songs in any language you want. Here are some songs by Indian artists that I like:
Please do NOT post sub-standard Bollywood crap here. You can post songs in any language you want. Here are some songs by Indian artists that I like:
blkrb0t It's Nothing Personal Herald Feb 24, 2013 #2 Indian Ocean is amazing, I just love their songs. I have many more to list, will post them later with youtube links.
Indian Ocean is amazing, I just love their songs. I have many more to list, will post them later with youtube links.
R ryanrulez4ever Herald Feb 24, 2013 #5 Kryptos - The Mask of Anubis - YouTube Kryptos at Riff Em All 29-Oct-2011A - YouTube Kryptos - Niederkrüchten - GERMANY - YouTube KRYPTOS indische Metalband Indian Metal in der Chemo - YouTube
Kryptos - The Mask of Anubis - YouTube Kryptos at Riff Em All 29-Oct-2011A - YouTube Kryptos - Niederkrüchten - GERMANY - YouTube KRYPTOS indische Metalband Indian Metal in der Chemo - YouTube
D deepakkoranga Feb 24, 2013 #6 A pretty decent band from delhi https://www.facebook.com/TheUrbanEarlyMen/app_2405167945?ref=ts and also here's a friend's blues acoustic duo https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Travelling-Blues/262082820501622?sk=app_2405167945 Wait for a month or so and you might like my own work too
A pretty decent band from delhi https://www.facebook.com/TheUrbanEarlyMen/app_2405167945?ref=ts and also here's a friend's blues acoustic duo https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Travelling-Blues/262082820501622?sk=app_2405167945 Wait for a month or so and you might like my own work too
Crazy_Eddy Staff member Luminary Feb 25, 2013 #7 One of the few bands that sounds great even when they play live
manu1991 Barely Alive Herald Feb 25, 2013 #8 Flipkart has a great collection of songs by Indian bands for a decent price: The Official NH7 Weekender: Karsh Kale - Download Albums Online in India Only at Flyte - Flipkart.com
Flipkart has a great collection of songs by Indian bands for a decent price: The Official NH7 Weekender: Karsh Kale - Download Albums Online in India Only at Flyte - Flipkart.com
avi Keymaster Feb 26, 2013 #9 I am big big big fan of Shankar Tucker. His Youtube channel : Shankar Tucker - YouTube Heaven.