Monitors Good retailers for Viewsonic and BenQ LCD monitors in Bangalore

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Ck Nish

As the topic says...

...and before anyone suggests Comp shop, yeah I've already tried that place but the two monitors I wanted are'nt available in the way I want them.

To expand on what I said, here's the two monitors I wanted - the BenQ FP91G and the Viewsonic VA1912w. But the place only has a 16ms version of the FP91G which is too damn slow and the VA1912w is being priced at 26,999 Rs which is too damn high by any standards.

So, suggest away other good retailers, fellow Bangaloreans.
Come on guys. It's either this or spending an entire day at S.P. road and I hate the place since it resembles a fish market rather than a computer one.
Hey i just want to ask what is the difference between 16ms and 8ms.. All LCD/TFT monitors show this in their specification. Is it the display lag or something like this ??
Sorry for the :noob: question but i dont know anything about this... :huh:
In common terms, it is hw fast a pixel can change it's colour.

8ms is slower than 6ms. A faster response time will help in gaming coz you wont see any ghosting.... if the response time is too slow like 16ms or soemthhing, you will notice a lot of ghosting
u can get both benq and viewsonic monitors from .. i dont have an idea if their pricing is good or bad but u can just have a look... and they have lots of models of both the companies.
@bluffmaster : Golcha and Zoom Computers are the same. Both are run by Golcha Intertrade.

Golchha : Tel.22213509, 22278811
Computer Gadgets or Gateway Computers, can't remember the name but they're in Cambridge Layout ;) Talk to Sumit: 9845200960
mohit said:
u can get both benq and viewsonic monitors from .. i dont have an idea if their pricing is good or bad but u can just have a look...

Their prices are a bit of the mark and I'm not a fan of online shopping.

Thanks for the numbers Inzi and RiO. I'll definitely check them out.
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