Good things come in small packages! :D


Just received a package from TNT. Let the pics speaketh -


Comes in a jewelery box -

The 3.5" to 2.5" adapter. It was nicely tucked on top of the SSD inside the box -



A close-up -


And finally a size comparison shot -


The package came with the SSD, the adapter and the screws. No logo - not that I am complaining. :p

Many thanks to Sudhir - dude, I owe you one when I come to Bombay next time! ;)

Cannot be installing it right away as I have to complete Stalker - Call of Pripyat. Almost done with the game I suppose. :ashamed:

So all those existing SSD users - please help me out with do's and dont's here:
- BIOS - AHCI enabled - check.
- TRIM enabled - check.
- Latest firmware - check.
- Turn off Windows Defragmenter - check.
- Turn off Superfetch - check?
- Turn off Windows Search - check?

Anything else to be done here? TIA. :)
Desecrator said:
- Turn off Superfetch - check?

- Turn off Windows Search - check?

Please don't do this. You bought the SSD for speed and performance. And both these features benefit a lot from the SSD. Don't worry about the write cycles issues. Your SSD won't die anytime soon. Turning these off is like buying the Audio Engine A5s and leaving the speakers in the plastic bags. :p
whatsinaname said:
Please don't do this. You bought the SSD for speed and performance. And both these features benefit a lot from the SSD. Don't worry about the write cycles issues. Your SSD won't die anytime soon. Turning these off is like buying the Audio Engine A5s and leaving the speakers in the plastic bags. :p
Oh alright since I was a bit apprehensive after having read several user opinions. Which is why I had a question mark there. :p

Metalspree said:
Gannu does this mean i get your PS3 ,i will purchase all those titles from u :p
Get one from there bastid! :mad:
Desecrator said:
Oh alright since I was a bit apprehensive after having read several user opinions. Which is why I had a question mark there. :p

Actually, I just noticed you said Superfetch and not Pagefile (Don't know why my mind parsed it that way. :p)

Superfetch gets turned off automatically by Windows 7 if it sees a high sequential and random read performance from your OS drive. You don't need to worry about it.

(My advice about moving the page file and search would still hold)
Nah I wouldn't bother with the page file either. :)

Thanks for the input! Appreciate it. :D

Oh and I forgot the damages - the bill reads 11, 900 INR but I haven't paid Sudhir a paisa. :bleh:

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

wOOt, completed Stalker. Moving all the files from my older 640 AAKS now. :p
Great buy. For sure you will enjoy the performance change. Do tell us the OS install time, and the BIOS--->desktop load time. Congratulations...!