Goodbye, and TIA

Darthcoder said:
If the above is true and is genuinely written by Aces, tonight I'll give a party to myself :rofl:

too selfish. :no:

this is exactly why Aces is leaving...

u shud've included me in the party as well :tongue:
Darn all you spoilsports :p

Rahul - Seems all the beer you had on your b'day are still having their effect on you :rofl:
Nice here is mine!!

Goodbye everyone, I no longer feel welcome here, or that kinship I was searching for. You're all mean b**ches. Your soil reaps of evilness. I've enjoyed my time here...meeting a lot of you, but I simply find this community's rules too restrictive, and since I write what I feel, without regard to content (Is it sexist? Is it parental? Is it political? Is it, God forbid, all three??), this community will only end up stifling my originality, and I have no intentions of letting myself be censored in this way. No, you mutated children, crossbreeds between hagfish and a puddle of babboon vomit, just FLAT OUT ASSUMED that I am some drugged-out fluffy who plays violent video games and names Deities after them. Not looking for sympathy or anything either. Just pointing something out before I take my leave of this community.
Yeaaaaa..less apple junk..:)

Ok Ok the fun didnt even last few seconds:( Darn..
that was a disgusting waste of my inbox. You don't feel creative? Are your friends changing? Maybe life is different. Maybe that's good. Maybe you need to spend a few years alone. No, you mutated children, crossbreeds between hagfish and a puddle of babboon vomit, just FLAT OUT ASSUMED that I am some drugged-out fluffy who plays violent video games and names Deities after them.
I smell foreign hand in this. :|
SC is into some 'Uttar Bhartiya' bonding and leaving this place of primarily 'Dakshin Bhartiya' influence. :no:

Am having stomachaches reading your posts... laughing!!! :rofl:
I smell foreign hand in this. :|
SC is into some 'Uttar Bhartiya' bonding and leaving this place of primarily 'Dakshin Bhartiya' influence. :no:
