Google Accuses Apple of Hostile, Organized Campaign Against Android

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Google has just released a statement via their blog accusing Apple, Microsoft, Oracle and others of teaming up in a hostile campaign against Android.

The post was written by David Drummond, Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of Google.
I have worked in the tech sector for over two decades. Microsoft and Apple have always been at each other's throats, so when they get into bed together you have to start wondering what's going on. Here is what's happening:

Android is on fire. More than 550,000 Android devices are activated every day, through a network of 39 manufacturers and 231 carriers. Android and other platforms are competing hard against each other, and that's yielding cool new devices and amazing mobile apps for consumers.

But Android's success has yielded something else: a hostile, organized campaign against Android by Microsoft, Oracle, Apple and other companies, waged through bogus patents.

They're doing this by banding together to acquire Novell's old patents (the "CPTN" group including Microsoft and Apple) and Nortel's old patents (the "Rockstar" group including Microsoft and Apple), to make sure Google didn't get them; seeking $15 licensing fees for every Android device; attempting to make it more expensive for phone manufacturers to license Android (which we provide free of charge) than Windows Mobile; and even suing Barnes & Noble, HTC, Motorola, and Samsung. Patents were meant to encourage innovation, but lately they are being used as a weapon to stop it.

A smartphone might involve as many as 250,000 (largely questionable) patent claims, and our competitors want to impose a "tax" for these dubious patents that makes Android devices more expensive for consumers. They want to make it harder for manufacturers to sell Android devices. Instead of competing by building new features or devices, they are fighting through litigation.

This anti-competitive strategy is also escalating the cost of patents way beyond what they're really worth. Microsoft and Apple's winning $4.5 billion for Nortel's patent portfolio was nearly five times larger than the pre-auction estimate of $1 billion. Fortunately, the law frowns on the accumulation of dubious patents for anti-competitive means - which means these deals are likely to draw regulatory scrutiny, and this patent bubble will pop.

We're not naive; technology is a tough and ever-changing industry and we work very hard to stay focused on our own business and make better products. But in this instance we thought it was important to speak out and make it clear that we're determined to preserve Android as a competitive choice for consumers, by stopping those who are trying to strangle it.

We're looking intensely at a number of ways to do that. We're encouraged that the Department of Justice forced the group I mentioned earlier to license the former Novell patents on fair terms, and that it's looking into whether Microsoft and Apple acquired the Nortel patents for anti-competitive means. We're also looking at other ways to reduce the anti-competitive threats against Android by strengthening our own patent portfolio. Unless we act, consumers could face rising costs for Android devices - and fewer choices for their next phone.


[via Official Google Blog]
And they are getting pwned after posting this :P

Update: And now, shots have been fired from both sides. Brad Smith, Microsoft's General Counsel, has shot off the following tweet: "Google says we bought Novell patents to keep them from Google. Really? We asked them to bid jointly with us. They said no." We're guessing the truth lies somewhere in between, as it always does.

Update 2: Hoo boy! The hits just keep comin' out of Redmond. Frank Shaw, lead corporate communications for Microsoft has just tweeted an image of an email between Brad Smith and Kent Walker (Google's General Counsel) that appears to corroborate the claims that Microsoft wanted to team up with El Goog.

Source: Google slams Apple and Microsoft, claims 'hostile, organized campaign' against Android waged through 'bogus patents' (update: Microsoft responds!) -- Engadget
Does anyone have details on what the 20th April ruling by the DOJ in the US as regards the accessibility of these patents to the Open Source Group indicates? In other words, what I could gather of the ruling is that the winning bidders will not be able to 'aggressively pursue' their patents against the Open Source community.

Did I read / interpret it right? Does that mean MS and Apple cannot sue Open Source groups using their patents - inspite of having paid billions of dollars and the Open Source community having paid none?
Apple will die with the demise of Steve Jobs, which isn't far away! I shall rejoice on that day with the passing away of the ringleader of the worst of the bullies. May apple and its lousy devices burn and die along with its hordes of blind, dumb bunch of minions called iSheep! Steve Jobs is no different from Hitler and his Nazi Ideology - forcing down the throats of consumers and drilling into their heads -"thou shalt do what I shalt tell thou"- most of the apple users are just sheep and they would blindly follow that iThief to the depths of hell. Despots meet their end always its the law of the land. Die Apple!
As long as its not un-parliamentary language its OK I guess. Apple and Steve Jobs make my blood boil. Look at Steve Jobs - he looks like Elliot Carver(the villain) from James Bond's Tomorrow Never Dies.
I do not intend to go Off Topic. But Despite me being a die-hard Android fan, I respect Apple and Steve Jobs. It was Apple that started the revolution and it was Steve Jobs who made Apple into a premium product. His strategy, decision making and marketing has made it into a profitable organization. Steve Jobs made Apple a unique product. Can you say Google or Android as a unique product? No there are lots of Android handsets in the market. Sure one can argue that it gives us more choice. Also despite powerful android handets comes out, what do we do? We compare it with Iphone 4. Heck, there is even a thread comparing Iphone 4 with Samsung Galaxy S II. LOL. We try to benchmark Android with Apple. I have always seen people comparing Android to Apple to see if it is worth the switch from Apple to Android. But people who are switching from Android to Apple would never have doubt in their mind. Why? It is because of Apple's reputation. It is because of Steve Jobs. I appreciate him as a entrepreneur.

I am not a Apple Fanboy. I stood in line last year in June at 4 am to get the iphone 4 only to return it after 15 days and moving to Android. Never looked back. I own Captivate, G2X and have used Nexus S, Galaxy S, Epic 4g (All Android handsets) But I choose Android for different reasons. But I will always respect apple and will always keep in touch to see what comes out in their future models and appreciate it/welcome it with open arms.
Steve Jobs is a thief and a bully. I would admire apple if it had the other steve "the real innovator" Steve Wozniak at the helm. I respect Steve Wozniak. He was the one who deserved all the credit but then Steve Jobs stole that as well and with it the opportunity to see some truly amazing innovations
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