"Google" Against India ? Favoring foregin companies ? Try it !


**Try accessing digital content from American sites**
Certain things which generate more revenue like travel, (few/almost all revenue generating more keywords**) for Google..

Only foreign site(s) which scrape content are displayed, on digital authority they never reply if authority site users made the content..
** THEY VIOLATE UGC (user generated contet) POLICY ON THERE OWN **

Same happening to your search results.
Google is playing an altogether another algorithm role playing game, HOW ?

""WHO KNOWS IF THIS COMPANIES REALLY BELONG TO GOOGLE"" ?? and come to your life very next day..
This happens in search results, every next American website takes over INDIA.
They take over 'Indian SEARCH RESULTS" and sell/obtain same !!!

Without any origin of original content since TE is alive.
Google displayed results for "best/answered/valid topics from techenclave.com"
But today, if any site-admin compares statistics/results from recent/old past those have been taken over by almost every American Company..

Same happening on "Youtube Content"..

There are digital guys here, sure there are many here.. shred some details.
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Can you say splinternet ? And after that winternet
