Google free Web-based spreadsheet ...


Google already had web based word precessor (Writely). Now spreadsheet is coming.



Sneak Peak
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Ah, one step closer to trying out Google Spreadsheets... it's not going to be as feature-rich as MS Excel, but it has big advantages like edit from anywhere (with others too), share online and no loss of data :D How many times you'd be working on a spreadsheet, forget to save and suddenly the infamous "this application has performed an illegal operation" shows it's pretty face :) One thing's for sure, home users will replace Excel with Google's solution.

Anyway, you can get a sneak peek or sign up here.
true.. home users (only) will replace excel with google's solution to spreadsheets.. very clean, very safe, but very basic too...

excel will remain for its flexibility and features...

but i commend google's step for taking such steps towards organizing mass info, but yet keeping them online....

Small to medium-sized businesses will eventually migrate if Google offers some of the advanced features of Excel... ;)
Just completed migrating all my expense sheets online... now I don't need to maintain multiple copies when I'm traveling or at work, things couldn't get more convenient :)
One more creative idea put forth by the big ‘G,’ and one more shot at the company known as Microsoft. Today Google is launching a beta version of their online spreadsheet application. Like their Gmail email service it will be available initially to only a select group of invitees, then will be opened up to more people as the application progresses. Whenever the application is widely available it will provide a free alternative to Microsoft’s Excel application. Some of the more interesting aspects of their spreadsheet will be the fact that since it is a web app it will allow people to access the program on any computer with an internet connection. Users will have the option to save their files on Google servers in CSV or XLS format. Users can collaborate with other users on the same spreadhseet in real time. If you would like to sign up for the beta service you can click here.

Benefits of using Google’s Spreadsheet :
1. Share spreadsheets instantly & collaborate real-time. Pick exactly who can access your spreadsheets.
2. Edit your spreadsheets from anywhere. Nothing to download — your browser is all you need.
3. Store your spreadsheets securely online. Offsite storage plus multi-site data backup.
4. Easy to use. Import your current spreadsheets to get started quickly. Clean, uncluttered screens with a familiar, desktop.
Interestingly, this time it's been hooked with Google Labs thing. I expect the other components to soon follow. Now u know how the 10 GB space will get filled up :devil:

Lunapark6 » Archive » Google’s Spreadsheet
Google Spreadsheets - Sneak Peek
Guys why is google after Microsoft..

first search engine

then email

then google desktop search

and now spreadsheet.

i am waiting when will google introduces its operating system